Leon Ferreira

Sat Aug 31, 10:00 - Sat Aug 31, 12:30

NG Kerk Nelspruit (Moedergemeente)


Leon Ferreira is al 30 jaar op die Kontemporêre Christelike Musiek-toneel.

Alhoewel hy hoofsaaklik in Afrikaans skryf, opneem en optree, het hy dikwels Engelse snitte by sy albums ingesluit.

Met sy jongste, Engelse vrystelling, het Ferreira die Country Musiek-genre met selfvertroue betree. Sy styl word uitgedruk deur 'n warm, ou-skoolse, eenvoudige, liriekgedrewe benadering... wel meestal. Daar is een uitsondering – Die titelsnit “No Longer I”.

Hierdie aangrypende snit het 'n meer moderne gevoel, terwyl die lirieke ‘n baie evangeliese boodskap van Jesus Christus het.

As kunstenaar is Ferreira nog nooit gedwing om albums uit te reik bloot om op die toneel te bly nie. Hy het nog altyd volgehou dat hy net kan skryf en opneem as hy iets het om te sê. Sy laaste 3 albums is almal meer as 4 jaar uitmekaar vrygestel.

Alhoewel 'n aantal country-liedjies uit die verlede herbesoek word, met hierdie album en veral die titelsnit, is dit duidelik dat Ferreira iets nuuts te sê het! Die Goeie Nuus op hierdie album is hartverwarmend, vertroostend en vreugdevol!

Dit is duidelik dat hierdie musiek persoonlik en eerlik is, gewortel in die waarheid van identiteit in Christus.

Leon Ferreira has been on the Contemporary Christian Music scene for 30 years.

Although mainly writing, recording and performing in Afrikaans, he often included English tracks on his albums.

On his latest, entirely English release, Ferreira entered the Country Music genre with confidence. His style is expressed through a warm, old-school, simple, lyric-driven delivery… well mostly. There is one exception – The title track “No Longer I”.

This vocally gripping track has a more modern feel, while lyricly keeping to the clear, straight forward Gospel message of hope in Christ.

As an artist, Ferreira has never been pushed into releasing albums, simply to stay “on the scene”. He has always maintained that he can only write and record when he has something to say. To that point, his last 3 albums where all released more that 4 years apart.

Although revisiting a number of country songs from the past, with this album and especially the title track, it is clear that Ferreira has something new to say! The Good News on this album is heart-warming, comforting and joyful!

It is clear that the music is personal and honest, rooted in the truth of identity in Christ.