3-Day B&B/ Guest House Marketing Workshop | Cape Town

Wed Aug 14, 08:00 - Fri Aug 16, 16:00

Cape Town Lodge Hotel


3-Day Marketing Workshop for B&B, Guest House, and Boutique Hotel Owners and Managers in Cape Town

Join us in Cape Town for an intensive 3-day marketing course tailored specifically for owners and managers of B&Bs, guest houses, and boutique hotels. This hands-on workshop is designed to provide practical tools and strategies to significantly increase your occupancy rates. Participants will learn about social media advertising, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, working with OTAs like Booking.com and Expedia, leveraging AI for marketing, and more. The course is facilitated by experienced professionals in marketing who bring a wealth of knowledge and real-world insights.

Course Breakdown:

Day 1: Understanding the Basics and Building a Strong Online Presence

Module 1: Introduction to Hospitality Marketing

  • Understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in marketing B&Bs, guest houses, and boutique hotels.
  • Setting marketing goals and KPIs.

Module 2: Website Optimization

  • Importance of a professional, user-friendly website.
  • SEO best practices for hospitality websites.
  • Creating compelling content that converts visitors into guests.

Module 3: Social Media Marketing

  • Introduction to major social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn).
  • Creating a social media strategy.
  • Content planning and creation.
  • Using social media to engage with guests and build a community.


  • Workshop: Create a social media content calendar for the next 3 months.

Day 2: Advanced Online Marketing Strategies

Module 4: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

  • Introduction to PPC advertising.
  • Setting up Google Ads campaigns.
  • Budgeting and bidding strategies.
  • Analyzing and optimizing PPC campaigns.

Module 5: Social Media Advertising

  • Running effective Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.
  • Targeting and retargeting strategies.
  • Measuring ad performance and ROI.

Module 6: Email Marketing

  • Building and segmenting an email list.
  • Crafting effective email campaigns.
  • Automated email sequences (welcome series, post-stay follow-ups, special offers).


  • Workshop: Design a PPC campaign for your property.
  • Workshop: Create an email marketing campaign, including a welcome series.

Day 3: Maximizing Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Data-Driven Decision Making

Module 7: Working with OTAs (Booking.com, Expedia, etc.)

  • Understanding the role of OTAs in your distribution strategy.
  • Optimizing your OTA listings.
  • Managing reviews and guest feedback.
  • Strategies to reduce dependency on OTAs and drive direct bookings.

Module 8: Leveraging Data and Analytics

  • Introduction to Google Analytics and other analytics tools.
  • Tracking website performance and guest behavior.
  • Using data to make informed marketing decisions.

Module 9: Leveraging AI for Marketing

  • Introduction to AI tools and technologies in marketing.
  • Using AI for personalized guest experiences.
  • Automating marketing tasks with AI.
  • Predictive analytics for occupancy forecasting.

Module 10: Reputation Management

  • Importance of online reputation management.
  • Responding to reviews effectively.
  • Encouraging positive reviews from guests.


  • Workshop: Optimize your OTA listings for better visibility and conversion.
  • Workshop: Set up Google Analytics and create a dashboard to monitor key metrics.

Module 11: Crafting a Comprehensive Marketing Plan

  • Integrating all marketing channels into a cohesive strategy.
  • Setting short-term and long-term marketing goals.
  • Creating an actionable marketing plan.

Final Activity:

  • Group Activity: Present your 6-month marketing plan and receive feedback from peers and instructors.

Course Details – Cape Town:

  • Venue: Cape Town Lodge Hotel
  • Duration: 3 Days (8 AM – 4 PM daily)
  • Date: 14th – 16th August 2024
  • Materials Provided: Course handouts, templates, access to online resources
  • Certification: Participants will receive a certificate of completion. The certificate will be emailed to you.
  • Cost: R8 999.99 per person (Includes Refreshments)

This course aims to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills to enhance your property's online presence, attract more guests, and ultimately increase your occupancy rates. Please remember to bring your laptop!

Who Should Attend?

This course is ideal for:

  • Owners of B&Bs, Guest Houses, and Boutique Hotels: Individuals who own and manage their small accommodation businesses and are looking to improve their marketing strategies to increase occupancy rates and revenue.
  • General Managers: Managers responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of B&Bs, guest houses, and boutique hotels, ensuring they can effectively market their properties to potential guests.
  • Marketing Managers: Professionals in charge of marketing activities within small accommodation businesses who want to enhance their skills in digital marketing, social media advertising, and working with OTAs.
  • Hospitality Consultants: Consultants who provide advice and services to small accommodation businesses, helping them stay competitive in the market by improving their marketing strategies.
  • Aspiring Hospitality Entrepreneurs: Individuals planning to start their own B&B, guest house, or boutique hotel and looking to gain practical marketing knowledge to ensure a successful launch and sustainable growth.
  • Anyone Involved in Marketing Small Accommodation Properties: Staff members who contribute to the marketing efforts of B&Bs, guest houses, or boutique hotels, including those involved in content creation, social media management, or guest communication.

By attending this course, participants will gain valuable insights and hands-on experience to help them effectively market their properties, attract more guests, and ultimately increase occupancy rates.

Benefits of Attending the 3-Day Marketing Course:

  • Increased Occupancy Rates: Learn practical strategies to attract more guests and fill your rooms year-round.
  • Enhanced Online Presence: Gain skills to optimize your website and improve its visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential guests to find you.
  • Effective Social Media Marketing: Master the art of social media marketing to engage with potential guests, build a loyal online community, and promote your property.
  • Optimized Advertising Campaigns: Develop and manage effective PPC and social media advertising campaigns that deliver a high return on investment.
  • Improved OTA Listings: Optimize your listings on major OTAs like Booking.com and Expedia to increase visibility and bookings while learning strategies to drive more direct bookings.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Use analytics tools to track and analyze your marketing performance, allowing you to make informed decisions and continuously improve your strategies.
  • Reputation Management: Learn how to manage online reviews and feedback to enhance your property’s reputation and attract more guests.
  • Comprehensive Marketing Plan: Create an actionable marketing plan that integrates various marketing channels and sets clear goals for the future.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other B&B, guest house, and boutique hotel owners and managers, sharing experiences and learning from each other.
  • Hands-On Workshops: Participate in interactive workshops to apply what you’ve learned and receive personalized feedback from industry experts.
  • Certification of Completion: Receive a certificate that validates your newly acquired marketing skills and knowledge, adding value to your professional profile.
  • Access to Resources: Gain access to course handouts, templates, and online resources that you can use to implement your marketing strategies effectively.

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to significantly boost your marketing efforts, increase your occupancy rates, and grow your business.

Receive Course Materials:

Once your registration and payment are confirmed, you will receive course materials and preparatory information to help you get the most out of the course.

For any questions or further assistance, please contact us. We look forward to helping you enhance your marketing skills and grow your business!


3-Day B&B/ Guest House Marketing Workshop | Cape Town
Cape Town Lodge Hotel
Buitengracht St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8001
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