NCFC Holiday Club 2024 - Narnia

Mon Jul 1, 08:00 - Fri Jul 5, 13:00

The New Creation Family Church - The Kings School Robin Hills


Holiday Club is a five day conference just for kids. It is an event that provides children with a safe and secure way to a week of mornings during their June school holidays. The kids will have fun learning Godly principles and lessons. Holiday Clubs caters for all children between the ages of 4 to 13 years with a program tailored to every age group.

Cost includes: a conference pack (drawstring bag, buff, Activity Book) and a snack every day.

(Dietary or Allergy requirements specific)

1 Day option R65

3 Day option R190

5 Day option R300


Monday to Friday - 8am-1pm. Please be prompt on pickup!


NCFC Holiday Club 2024 - Narnia
The New Creation Family Church - The Kings School Robin Hills
3 Gemsbok Rd, Robin Hills, Randburg, 2194
Get Directions