Nia Fitness Fusion : Martial, Dance and Yoga arts, combined to fun music and friends

Fri Jun 28, 15:00 - Fri Jun 28, 16:00

The Village Cafe Knysna


Your body wants to move.. take it outside for a fulfilling experience.

I will facilitate a gentle workout , good for your mind, physique and soul using the Nia Technique.

Click here for an informative video:

*Special Offer*

Family friendly :

Pay for 1 adult and bring your child, senior parent or helper/ housekeeper along for free : the movements are easy , and developed for all shapes and sizes


  • wear comfortable clothes , and shoes ( barefoot is ideal) we will be outdoors on the lawn
  • water
  • your magnificent self and invite a friend... your body will absolutely thank you for it


Nia Fitness Fusion : Martial, Dance and Yoga arts, combined to fun music and friends
The Village Cafe Knysna
61 Waterfront Dr, Knysna Central, Knysna, 6571
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