Family friendly

Youth Month Fundraiser

Fri Jun 7, 10:00 - Mon Jun 30, 10:00

Event is online


Celebrate Youth Month by donating to Progression’s employment hubs!


16th June is Youth Day in South Africa, however our young people continue to face a slew of challenges including poverty, unequal education and one of the highest unemployment rates in the world, all of which hamper their ability to improve their lives.

At Progression, we are passionate about Skills Development, and we believe it is one of the most effective methods of facilitating job creation and reducing unemployment. Over the last few years, we have established six experiential learning hubs, each with its own unique focus area incorporating web design and development, payroll, sewing, furniture manufacture, farming and ceramics.


Our hubs provide an environment where previously disadvantaged youth are nurtured and developed in order to enhance their skills and create sustainable employment opportunities. Learners receive theoretical training through a range of different learnerships which focus on various areas of expertise relevant to each particular hub, while gaining the practical experience required to become more self-sufficient by developing real, usable skills.

The hubs are set up as small businesses and the goal is for each hub to grow into a functional entity, employing people and generating its own income in the future. Funding from corporate investors and individuals supports the development and ongoing operation of the hubs until the learners are able to establish themselves and their businesses in the open labour market. All funding received is allocated towards equipment, materials, operations, training of learners as well as marketing cost.

Progression’s employment hubs present an excellent way to empower the youth, create jobs and provide scarce and critical skills opportunities in a sustainable manner. Each of the hubs are providing goods and services that are locally made, contributing to the economic growth and upliftment of South Africa.

Help our hubs by donating today and making a real difference!