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Business Forum Connected Leaders Collab: Fearless Leadership

Fri Oct 11, 10:00 - Sat Oct 12, 13:30

New Covenant Church Bryanston


In a world facing so many challenges and uncertainties, how do we lead from a place of faith, not fear? How do we use our vocations as vehicles for ministry? How do we practically live out God’s blueprint for our daily work to bring order from chaos and beauty from brokenness for the sake of others?

If any of these questions stir your heart, or if you have a desire to connect with like-minded individuals from around the globe seeking to play a role in a grander Kingdom story, then the Business Forum Connected Leaders Collab (CLC) is for you.

The theme of our first Global CLC is Fearless Leadership and we will focus on achieving three outcomes:

  1. Helping leaders establish their true identity in Christ and a renewed Kingdom worldview.
  2. Strengthening deep connections between like-mind leaders (business & church) across regions.
  3. Supporting leaders in a shift from ‘admiring their problems’ to practically solving them.

The CLC is not a typical conference. Instead, significant time will be dedicated to round-table dialogues, creating connections with people in your passion areas and solving problems in common areas of interest.

An essential part of the CLC will be connecting leaders into a larger story of hope by sharing testimonies of how the Lord is using Business Forum around the world to see the Kingdom established. We will hear stories about:

  • Entrepreneurs stepping out in faith
  • Leaders in corporates finding renewed meaning
  • Doors being opened in South America
  • Mission trips being transformed in Africa
  • Churches embracing relevance in Europe
  • Territory being taken in the Middle East


  • The event is being hosted by New Covenant Church Bryanston (NCCB) in Johannesburg, however, business and church leaders from different local churches around the globe will co-lead the event.
  • We have seen the power of going 2-by-2 outworking itself in the Business Forum story and would encourage local churches to send both church and business leaders from their communities to join us for the CLC.
  • On registration, delegates will need to identify areas of interest for both the Speed Networking and Solving Issues breakouts. They will also need to identify if they would like to join one of the organised dinners on the Friday evening or not.


Day One:

10h00: Registration

16h30: Day one close

Day Two:

8h30: Arrival

13h30: Day two close

See an overview of the event HERE


Business Forum Connected Leaders Collab: Fearless Leadership
New Covenant Church Bryanston
54 Hornbill Rd, Bryanston, Sandton, 2191
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