Alu's Birthday Fund

Sat Jun 22, 22:00 - Sun Jun 22, 22:00

Event is online


Alu is a delightful 7 year old boy on the autism spectrum.

He loves to sing, read and dance. He is also still learning to talk to others in full sentences. As he learns we learn new ways to help him engage with other children and friendly animals.

His family and I have been preparing him for Grade R next year. We are also finding the best supports for his development right now.

Alu’s parents both work full time jobs and have an only recently employed Mercia to care for Alu during the day. I support Mercia with training and activities to do with Alu. I also take them out to socialize in places that feel safe for Alu.

The time and money invested in Alu’s learning and development has never been wasted or without reward. Alu responds so well to a just right challenge.

To keep on track Alu requires swimming lessons, speech therapy sessions and outings. Your support will help the family pay for these activities with less financial and emotional stress.

Thank you