Rest & Recovery Program

Wed Jul 3, 18:00 - Wed Jul 17, 19:30

Synergy Holistix


Do you struggle with everyday stressors?

Do you feel like you are alone in your feeling this way?

Have you developed unhealthy ways of coping with feeling deregulated constantly?

Have you ever gotten the feeling that if you could just leave the baggage you have been carrying behind you you would have a better chance at life?

You are not alone!

The truth is that you are storing a pattern within your neurobiology that contains the history of your life experience, which if you could teach your somatic storing mechanism to release, would change the way you see yourself, the quality of your relationships and how you experience the world!

Instead of viewing your narrative as "What's wrong with me?", we need to start unpacking "What have I been through and what is my body somatically still carrying in an attempt to keep me 'safe."

Join us for this 3 part program starting 03 July,

Where we teach you more about how to regulate your neurobiology & preform profound clearing of your energetic system through neurogenic & somatic healing.

You will never have the same relationship with yourself again after trying these methods,

The results are effective and instantaneous!

This program looks to:

Help alleviate the stress & baggage you’ve been carrying in your neurobiology.

Detox the system and rid the organs of fear, trapped anger, residual pain.

Address your mental health concerns,

Comfort your core beliefs

& Stabilise the body’s natural response to stored and unrelieved trauma, anxiety, stress response..

Your 3 part Program includes...

Sound Healing which eases body, mind & spirit into a natural and calming state,

TRE which teaches the body to activate a natural neurogenic tremor mechanism and release patterns associated with deep inaccessible patterns of stress & trauma,

An Acu-detox Session which looks to help rid the system of toxins and activate your detox organs, resulting in a cleaner system,

Meditation & Pranic Breathwork to aid with the activation, release and regulation,

+ A Printed Manual complete with tools and applications to use long after the program comes to a close.

It's time to access and somatically release your story...

Program Dates & Topics:

03 July - Deregulation, Somatically storing the experience,

10 July - Methods for requiring your tekhnology (+40min Acu-detox Session),

17 July - Mental States, A relapse prevention plan.

For more info,

Contact Helen +27 066 509 5554

or email [email protected]

Space is limited!


Rest & Recovery Program
Synergy Holistix
20 1st Ave, Pierneef Park, Randburg, 2195
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