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'n Kaapse fantasie

Sat Oct 5, 12:00 - Sat Oct 5, 13:00

Standard Bank Endler


Met Toni Rooms, Sung Jun Chung, Johanna Roos (viool) en strykers, Dierick Basson (orrel) en leerders van die Cape Choral Academy

Dié nuwe koorwerke vir kinder- en jeugkore – met kindersoliste, ’n stryk­orkes en orrel – is gegrond op gedigte van leerlinge van die "Kaapse Koorakademie". Die uitvoering is ’n herinnering dat musiek geen grense ken nie en die hartsnare van mense uit alle kulture kan roer.

Komponiste Xander Kritzinger, Diederick Basson, W.A. Mozart

Vervaardiger Cape Choral Academy


With Toni Rooms, Sung Jun Chung, Johanna Roos (violin), Diederick Basson (organ), members of the Cape Choral Academy and a string orchestra

This sparkling performance pays tribute to the cultures that make up the Cape through new choral works for children and youth. Come and listen to young musicians who will take you on a magical journey of sound and culture in several languages, based on poems by pupils from the "Cape Choral Academy". The choral work, performed with the Missa Brevis in G major by W.A. Mozart, is a reminder that music knows no boundaries and can touch the heartstrings of people from all cultures

Composers Xander Kritzinger, Diederick Basson, W.A. Mozart

Producer Cape Choral Academy


'n Kaapse fantasie
Standard Bank Endler
45 Victoria St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
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