IEASA Webinar - How to compile, use and update your RMCP - 30 July 2024

Tue Jul 30, 10:00 - Tue Jul 30, 12:00

Online Webinar Session



IEASA Webinar - How to compile, use and update your RMCP

Presenter: Koti Steynberg 

Host: Annette Evans

Development and implementation of your RMCP

  • WHO:  Responsible parties and the appointment and effectiveness of a FIC Compliance Officer (FCO). Business profile, information, and FIC history.
  • WHAT: Property Practitioners Business’s policies, procedures, systems, and controls to ensure its compliance obligations. Recognise, monitor, and report ML/TF/PF risks to combat them.
  • WHEN: Current, approved document with ongoing reviews and shared with personnel.
  • WHERE: International standards (FATF) on all entities and branches separately.
  • WHY: Understanding, setting up, and applying the risk-based approach of the business entity. Report actions or transactions and keep records always inspection-ready. Formalising and implementation of internal rules.

RMCP as a training guideline

  • Timeframe
  • Topics
  • Keeping record

RMCP as Risk Rating guide

  • Different risks – National, sector, business, and client.
  • Documentation for rating clients
  • Documentation for rating employees
  • Keeping record

RMCP as screening and onboarding guide

  • Steps of the client process
  • Steps of the employee process (Directive 8)
  • Documentation
  • Keeping record

Reporting and CRC guide (Directive 6)

  • Steps of the process
  • Documentation
  • Online navigation
  • Keeping record

Record keeping guide

  • Steps of the process
  • Documentation
  • Online navigation
  • Keeping record

GoAML and company details with the FIC

  • Steps of the process
  • Documentation
  • Online navigation
  • Keeping record

Date: Tuesday 30 July 2024

Time: 10h00 - 12h00

Cost:  R300 per person

Location: Online via Zoom  

Certificate of Attendance will be issued