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Huyssen @ 60: Kamermusiek

Sat Oct 5, 11:00 - Sat Oct 5, 12:00



Met Janel Speelman (sopraan), Annien Shaw en Ralitza Macheva (barokviool), Emile de Roubaix (barok-altviool), Hans Huyssen (baroktjello)

Die Cape Consort is veral bekend vir sy geskiedkundig-ingeligte vertolkings van vroeë musiek op historiese instrumente. Die vroegste werk op hierdie program is egter skaars 40 jaar oud en een van Hans Huyssen se eerste komposisies – geskryf as ’n voorgraadse student aan die Stellenbosse Konservatorium. Die konsert, met ses verteenwoordigende werke uit die komponis se pen, is deel van sy 60 @ 60-projek – 60 uitvoerings van sy eie werke ter viering van sy 60ste verjaardag.

Komponis en musiekregisseur Hans Huyssen

Produksie moontlik gemaak deur die Rupert-musiekstigting


With Janel Speelman (soprano), Annien Shaw and Ralitza Macheva (baroque violin), Emile de Roubaix (baroque viola), Hans Huyssen (baroque cello)

The Cape Consort is well-known for their interpretations of early music, performed on historical instruments. However, the earliest work in this programme is barely 40 years old, and one of Huyssen’s first compositions which he wrote when an undergraduate at Stellenbosch University. The concert, with six representative works by Huyssen, forms part of his 60 @ 60 project – 60 performances of his own works, in celebration of his 60th birthday in 2024.

Composer and musical director Hans Huyssen

Made possible by the Rupert Music Foundation


Huyssen @ 60: Kamermusiek
JS Marais, Victoria St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7599, South Africa
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