Moederkerk-orrelweek: Zorada Temmingh
Fri Oct 4, 13:15 - Fri Oct 4, 13:45
Zorada Temmingh
Zorada is orrelis by die Moederkerk op Stellenbosch. Buiten die bekende Pastorale van César Franck speel sy ook twee pastorales wat sy self geskryf het – een waarin temas uit haar klankbaan vir The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse gehoor kan word. Verder sal sy ook ’n improvisasie doen op ’n versoek uit die gehoor.
Vanjaar se orreltema is Pastorale, ’n werk waarin ’n landelike toneel deur klankskildering uitgebeeld word, dikwels met ’n fluitagtige melodie en ondersteun deur ’n dreunbas. Die meeste pastorales is rustig wiegend van aard, hoewel dramatiese natuurverskynsels verrassende uitbarstings tot gevolg kan hê. Elke orrelis se program sluit minstens twee pastorales in. Die besonderse Moederkerk-orrel se verskeidenheid van klankkleure word ten toon gestel, en nabybeelde van die orrelis se hande en voete word op die skerms vertoon. Vanjaar is daar drie nuwe gesigte.
Samesteller Zorada Temmingh
Zorada Temmingh
Zorada is the organist at the Stellenbosch Moederkerk. In addition to the well-known Pastorale by Cézar Franck, she also plays two pastorales that she wrote herself – one in which themes from her soundtrack for The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear. She will also do an improvisation at a request from the audience.
This year’s organ recital theme is Pastorale – a work in which a rural scene is painted through sound, often with a flute-like melody supported by a rumbling bass. Most pastorals are gentle in nature, although dramatic natural phenomena can result in surprising outbursts. Each organist’s program includes at least two pastorals. The special sounds and tones of the Moederkerk organ will be fully embraced, and close-ups of the organist’s hands and feet will be shown on the screens. We welcome three new sets of hands to the programme this year.
Programme compiled by Zorada Temmingh