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Set in Motion

Tue Oct 1, 17:00 - Fri Oct 4, 14:00

HMS Bloemhof-skoolsaal


With Figure of 8 Dance Theatre Company

A dance theatre production that explores the internal and external forces that pull us into opposite directions, the twists and turns that make us feel trapped, and often prevent us from embracing our full life potential. But what if while exploring your own unique qualities, you can build up enough momentum to find the place where life makes sense? This production won the KKNK Herrie Award which recognises ground-breaking artistry.

Producer Figure of 8 Dance Theatre

Director Grant van Ster

Production manager Marie Vogts

Text in soundscape Nico Scheepers

Soundtrack Shaun Oelf, including music by Franco Prinsloo

Lighting design Andi Colombo, Grant van Ster


Met Shaun Oelf, Lubabalo Pupu, Vuyelwa Phota en Emile Lee-Urwine Petersen

Mense dink dikwels hulle verloor beheer oor alles, maar as jy genoeg momentum opbou terwyl jy jou eie rariteite verken, vind jy kalmte in jou gemoed – en maak die lewe inderdaad sin. Dié dansteaterproduksie ondersoek die interne en eksterne kragte wat ons in teenoorgestelde rigtings trek en ons soms verhinder om voluit te leef, en fokus op die onverwagte kronkels en draaie wat ’n mens vasgevang laat voel. Set in Motion het by vanjaar se KKNK die Herrie-prys vir grensverskuiwende werk gewen.

Vervaardiger Figure of 8 Dance Theatre

Regisseur Grant van Ster

Produksiebestuur Marie Vogts

Teks in klankbaan Nico Scheepers

Beligtingsontwerp Andi Colombo & Grant van Ster


Set in Motion
HMS Bloemhof-skoolsaal
35 Rhodes N Ave, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7613, South Africa
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