Please note: This venue is unfortunately not wheelchair friendly

Dylan Lewis-beeldetuin begeleide toer

Sat Sep 28, 09:30 - Sat Oct 5, 16:30

Kochstraat Parkeer & Pendel


Kom geniet die wonderlike tuin van die beeldhouer Dylan Lewis waar meer as 60 van sy werke in ’n pragtige natuur­omgewing ten toon gestel word en ’n magiese ervaring skep. Die toer word gelei deur Hanlé Hill wat graag haar kennis en netwerk van kunstenaars, ateljees en tuine deel.

Let wel: Die tuinpaadjies is ongelyk en met los gruis bedek, en dus gevaarlik vir diegene wat onvas is op hulle voete of sukkel met balans. Daar is geen parkeerplek by die tuin nie; gaste vertrek om 09:00 en 14:30 – ’n halfuur voor elke toer – per bussie vanaf Kochstraat-pendeldienshalte.


Come and enjoy the spectacular Dylan Lewis Sculpture Garden where over 60 of the artist’s sculptures are placed in relation to the natural environment, creating an exceptionally magical experience for visitors. The tour is led by veteran guide Hanlé Hill, who is always happy to share her knowledge of artists, studios and gardens with visitors.

Note: The garden paths are uneven and covered with loose gravel and therefore dangerous for people who are unsteady on their feet or struggle with their balance. There is no parking at the garden. Guests will depart by shuttle from the Koch Street shuttle stop at 09:00 and 14:30 – half an hour before each tour.