Please note: This venue is wheelchair friendly

Speelkamersessies met Bertus Basson

Mon Sep 30, 12:00 - Sat Oct 5, 14:00



Die stersjef Bertus Basson, wat bekend is vir sy 8 uiteenlopende restaurante en TV-reekse soos In die sop, Ultimate Braaimaster en Kokkedoor, bied vanjaar weer sy gewilde speelkamersessies aan. Kom beleef ’n kookdemonstrasie in sy hoogaangeskrewe Eike-restaurant waar hy spesialiseer in eg Suid-Afrikaanse geregte met ’n kreatiewe kinkel. Hy gaan nie net wys hoe om met kos te toor nie – gaste sit ná die demonstrasie ook aan by ’n heerlike feestafel met wyn.


Bertus Basson, known for his eight unique restaurants and TV series such as In die sop, Ultimate Braaimaster and Kokkedoor, again offers his popular Speelkamer Sessions. Come and experience Bertus’s magic with food in his Eike Restaurant where the focus is on authentic South African dishes with a creative twist. After an hour of cooking, partake in the delicious festive table with wine that follows the demonstration.


Speelkamersessies met Bertus Basson
5 Blersch St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
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