Crimson Sands. Rooisand.
Wed Oct 2, 18:15 - Wed Oct 2, 19:45
Adam Small Seminar Room
Presented by Human & Rousseau
Jacques Pauw once described Jeremy Vearey as “... a boss detective with a razor-sharp pen.” With Rooisand, this former chief of detectives tries his hand at fiction for the first time and debuts the story of Dirk Aruseb and the Bondelswarts, an epic war novel set in Namaland. Ruth First called this uprising and violent repression the “Sharpeville of the 1920s”, and Vearey evokes the story across sand, scrub and dunes. Ingrid Jones talks to him, and to Kirby van der Merwe, who translated the novel.
Aangebied deur Human & Rousseau
Jacques Pauw het Jeremy Vearey beskryf as “ ’n baasspeurder met ’n vlymskerp pen”. Met Rooisand waag dié voormalige speurhoof vir die eerste keer sy hand aan fiksie. Rooisand is ’n epiese oorlogsroman wat in Namaland afspeel en is die verhaal van Dirk Aruseb en die Bondelswarts. Ruth First het dié opstand en gewelddadige onderdrukking die “Sharpeville van die 1920’s” genoem, en Vearey roep die verhaal oor sand, bossies en duine heen op. Ingrid Jones gesels met Jeremy en Kirby van der Merwe, wat Crimson Sands vertaal het.