Future Fit Generations - Hopetown - October 2024

Thu Oct 24, 08:30 - Thu Oct 24, 16:00




Ockie Olivier (IIQ Consultants): Ockie Olivier is an Agricultural Economist whose focus is on financial analysis, scenario planning, and methods to calculate fair distribution of assets. He provides systems, discussions, and coordinates expertise to farm managers to make sound and trusted decisions in the process of optimizing, building, and safeguarding their farming business for the future. He has been operating in private practice for the past 40 years.

Willem Fourie (Coach2Live): Willem Fourie started his career in ministry and branched out into the world of business and systems. He is driven by a passion for the complexity of systems in people and people in systems. He has over 17 years of experience in the world of coaching Executives and Teams.


Boerdery is ‘n Besigheid - ‘n Uitdagende Besigheid

Net “Future Fit” Persone en Boerdery Besighede kan Oorleef en Floreer in Ekonomiese en Klimaat Siklusse.

Ekonomiese en Klimaat Siklusse kan Ongenaakbaar wees.

• Hoe kan ons Persoonlik “Fiks” word vir die Toekoms?

Hoe kan my Boerdery Spiere bou vir Toekomstige Sukses?

Hoe word die volgende generasie Bemagtig vir Toekomstige Sukses?

Met die kursus Ontvang jy 'n Raamwerk om “Future Fit” te word.

Die kursus is Ideaal vir jou Gesin


Farming is a Business – A Challenging Business

Only “Future Fit” People and Businesses can Survive and Thrive the Economic and Climate Cycles.

Economic and Climate Cycles can be very Cruel.

• How do we become personally fit for the future?

• How do we Build the Business Muscles for Future Success?

• How do we Enable the Next Generation for Future Success?

After doing this course, you will walk away with a framework to become Future Fit - A Wake-up Call.

The Course is Ideal for your Family



Date: 24 October, 2024

Time: 08h30 - 16h00

Location: 5th Avenue, Nr 2, Hopetown


- Access to the "Roadmap To A Legacy" course

- All refreshments served throughout the day

- Lunch

- Cheese and wine


08h30 - Registration

09h00 - Develop Personal Potential

10h30 - Tea

11h00 - Build a Resilient Business

13h00 - Lunch

14h00 - Plan to Leave a Legacy

16h00 - Enjoy Some Cheese and Wine with Us


Future Fit Generations - Hopetown - October 2024
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