Please note: This venue is wheelchair friendly

Die kunsversameling van Huberte Rupert

Wed Oct 2, 11:00 - Wed Oct 2, 12:00



Die Rupert-kunsversameling – die grootste in Suid-Afrika en internasionaal toonaangewend – is op die been gebring met die doel om kunstenaars te onder­steun. Dit het die grondslag geword waarop dr. Anton en veral sy vrou, Huberte, oor ’n tydperk van meer as ses dekades kuns aangekoop het. Hulle het onwrikbaar geglo in die helende en verrykende eienskappe van kuns en wou die vreugde wat dit aan hulle verskaf, met ander deel. Hierdie oortuiging, saam met hulle sonderlinge versameling, is hulle nalatenskap. In hierdie verteenwoordigende versameling van 20ste eeuse Suid-Afrikaanse kuns kom elke kunstenaar tot sy reg – van Irma Stern tot William Kentridge. Onder leiding van Amanda Botha, skrywer van The Art Collection of Huberte Rupert: South African Art of the 20th Century.


The Rupert art collection – the largest in South Africa and internationally renowned – began because of a passion to support artists. Anton, and especially Huberte Rupert, purchased art over a period of more than six decades and accumulated a representative collection of 20th century South African art that showcases artists from Irma Stern to William Kentridge. Their unwavering belief in the healing and enriching power of art, along with their exceptional collection, is their legacy to all of South Africa, and the world. Amanda Botha is the author of The Art Collection of Huberte Rupert: South African Art of the 20th Century.


Die kunsversameling van Huberte Rupert
16 Stellentia Ave, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
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