Financial Freedom Course or Coaching Sessions 2024-4

Wed Sep 11, 18:30 - Wed Sep 11, 20:00

You will receive a Google Meet link after purchasing your ticket


Learn How to Break Free from Debt: Master Proven Strategies Which Have Helped Many People – to Regain Financial Control!

Stop losing sleep over your mountain of debt! You deserve peace from financial stress, a future where you're confidently in charge of your money, free from worries about unexpected expenses and rising interest rates.

Attend our Financial Freedom Course for 7 Sessions Online in a Group setting via Google Meet on Wednesdays from from 11 September to 23 October 2024 from 18:30 to 20:00;


NB: You will NOT be required nor expected to disclose or share your personal financial information with anyone within the study group. 

Click on TICKETS now, to book for our life changing Financial Freedom Course.


Do you prefer one-on-one life changing Financial Freedom Coaching Session(s)?

Your session(s) to break free from the debt cycle. This isn't just about quick fixes; it's about transforming your approach to money.


In just a few weeks, you will learn how to efficiently tackle debt, handle unexpected expenses, and lay a foundation for a secure future. Our coaching provides personalised and dedicated support, empowering you to take charge of your finances.


Ready to start living a life free from unbearable financial stress? Follow 3 simple steps:


1)  Book a Consultation Session

Begin with a relaxed, no-pressure call with one of our Coaches. No commitment, just a conversation. Book your free slot at


2)  Create a Financial Freedom Plan Together

Next, we will craft your financial freedom plan. It is not just plan, but a customised roadmap to your goals.


3)  Activate Your Financial Freedom Plan

The real change happens as we implement your plan together, when behaviour is adjusted, not simply understanding concepts. I will be with you at every step, fine-tuning our approach and celebrating your progress. Let's turn your financial goals into reality.



Background and Challenge

In South Africa, a striking 86% of us are in debt, the highest rate globally, with those aged 31 to 45 being most affected. Only 23% have anything left at month end. These financial burdens not only affect individuals but also place immense strain on families, contributing to over half of divorces.
But this isn’t just about numbers. It's about you and the financial challenges you face: the stress of being underpaid, the relentless bills that keep piling up, and the hopelessness you feel after abandoning your dreams.
We want to put you back in the driver’s seat so that you can control your financial future. Together, we'll navigate the path from overwhelming debt to financial independence.

One of the Key Solutions

Ready to transform your finances? Our Financial Freedom Course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to reshape your financial future. We'll help you overcome your toughest financial challenges and set you up for success.
We use The Total Money Makeover book and workbook, and it is easy to understand and apply. You’ll get access to practical financial strategies that have helped hundreds of people regain control of their finances.
Our Financial Freedom Course is packed with simple, easy-to-follow strategies and information, allowing you to conquer financial hurdles, even if you're new to managing money.
Get ready to

  • Craft a debt-elimination plan that fits your life, freeing you to focus on what truly matters.
  • Transform your financial mindset for long-term success.
  • Navigate and dispel common money myths.
  • Build a retirement strategy from the ground up.
  • Achieve financial freedom to the point where you have the means to make a difference in the lives of others.

NB: You will NOT be required nor expected to disclose or share your personal financial information with anyone within the study group.



We are so confident that this Financial Freedom Course will exceed your expectations that we stand behind it with 100% no risk money back guarantee.

We want you to be fully satisfied with your Financial Freedom Course enrolment. If you are not 100% satisfied for any reason after attending ALL seven (7) Financial Freedom Course Group sessions, we will refund the full enrolment fee. No hassles, no delays, and no questions asked!

Click on TICKETS now to register and pay for our Financial Freedom Course.

We will then send you Financial Freedom Course study material that you need to purchase.

Please note that you need to complete exercises on the first chapter of The Total Money Makeover Classic Edition Workbook before the course start dateThus, the earlier you register for your Financial Freedom Course the better.

We look forwad to being part of your Financial Freedom Journey! 

Thank you so much,
The Financial Freedom Centre Team!


“This Financial Freedom Course was life changing and liberating for me. I was shocked when I learned that there are over 2000 verses about money and possessions in the Bible. I was also shocked that we should not desire to be rich because our loving Father God owns everything that we claim to own, He is rich and that means we are already rich. God wants us to be faithful stewards / managers of finances, possessions and all other resources that He gives us access to. I thought it was fine to desire to be rich so that I can contribute towards building His kingdom. Instead His word says “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.” I Timothy 6:9-11 NKJV
I also learned that debt is a modern-day slavery. “...And the borrower is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7 NKJV
I embraced truths from this course, God helped me pay off all my debts, I'm debt free and will remain free in my personal and business life. I no longer have month-end stress and I’m not desperate for new business contracts as I used to be. Moreover, I learned that I can plan, believe, work, save, invest and see God enable me to buy everything that He already owns cash: my next car, house, business, etc. He is also helping me make progress towards my goal of living on 10% and giving away 90% of my income.” Anonymous

“I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to partake in the Biblical Financial Study course. Thank you Gildah for making this a possibility for me.
The 10-week study enabled me to gain an understanding of the central place God has in our finances. I have come to know God as my source and my provider, all that is in heaven and earth belong to him, I’m privileged to be a steward of his possessions and have the responsibility to be a good steward. 
Some of the key learning that were very useful to me just to name a few, I would not have known these without taking the course:
  • we have to apply all the principles in the bible regarding finances, not just a partial application. (we therefore need to study and know these principles).
  • how we handle money influences our relationship with God. When we handle money according to biblical principles, we enter into a more intimate relationship with God.
  • debt is slavery
The course has awakened a deeper desire in me to worship and serve God with my finances. As I continue to grow in this area, each day I see God’s Grace as he guides me and gives me wisdom regarding spending decisions, tithing and serving him. I now dedicate each and every financial decision to God in prayer and ask for direction.
I am not yet financially free, but I have been able to pay off some of my smaller debts and consolidate the larger ones. I have peace now as I subject financial decisions into Gods hands. I have less sleepless nights wondering how I will make it through because I know God is my source and he is with me at all times and will see me through whichever situation I face. And I have seen him provide in the most unexpected ways in my walk with him. Most importantly I know that my day of financial freedom is coming. I look forward to this day that I will be completely free to serve him with my finances as he leads me in my ministry here on earth.
The course is presented in a very simple format that is easy to follow and understand. I encourage every Christian to take this course and experience God’s central place in our finances as he leads us to true freedom.” Anonymous

“Being part of the Financial Freedom course has helped me to understand that all I have belongs to God including money. I started being intentional with eliminating debt, started saving for emergencies, make giving a priority and not an option. This course also taught me a lot of things about what God expects from me when it comes to finances.” Nondy Zulu

“I was having difficulty understanding why God wouldn’t just give me money. I knew Him as Rapha. He had healed my mom of pancreatic cancer in 2011. In His word He counted money as the least of these things, I didn’t understand how He could heal so easily yet, getting money was difficult.
So, I had a proper melt-down. I went through 3 days where I was miserable because I didn’t believe God. I didn’t believe what He said in His word that if we ask for anything, believing it we would receive it. My mom and sisters counselled me; I was a little better but still had some dissatisfaction about the whole money thing.
So anyway, I finally started the Crown Financial course of Biblical Principles.
lol and behold I think I got my answer in the first week of our Session: that money has the ability to fight for lordship over our lives. It may be the least of these things but since it answers all things. It’s literally fighting for lordship in our lives. Every week, I was tested or confronted with the topic of our homework. I learned so much from this course that I recommend it for every Christian. It is the answer to most of our frustrations. The truth of the matter is that God owns everything and once you’re faithful with what He has given you, He can trust you and give you more. Before the course ended, I got a raise at work; it’s not as much as I had expected. Initially I thought it’s too little but with the knowledge I gained from the course I realized that it was more than enough because it’s not how much you have but how you use it. God has given the Crown Financial Ministries incredible wisdom and I am so grateful for this course and everyone who made it possible.
Gildah who facilitated the course, her incredible patience and faithfulness, means so much to me.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and God bless” Khanyi Mnduzulwana

“Biblical Financial Study has opened up my eyes regarding the combination of the words in the Bible being intertwined with the financial literacy in the academic books. It indeed is insightful and informative for as it is giving an overview and synopsis about the economy of God and the other one for the world, that is; before embarking upon the money and its use and value through the world outlook, one should look into it through the scriptural lens. For instance, 2 Chronicles 29:11-12 to cite out speaks of everything in the heavens and earth belonging to God, meanwhile the earthly people think out that the resources are theirs.
As a person who had an opportunity to study the course I find it imperative for every person to get involved. For this course would help them to get out of debts, have an understanding of saving, investing, giving, counselling, honest living in attaining an eternal life. Necessarily as a result would I recommend that people attend to the course.
I personally used it in our church, Royal Throne of Christ Ministry and it is successful in application and implementation. God bless you,” Letsoku.

“Going through this course made me realise that I had to clean my house first before God can trust me with His financial blessings. I suffered from lack of financial knowledge and this course helped open my eyes. I am not where I need to be, but rest assured I know how to get there now. Soon I will be celebrating financial freedom in Jesus name. Thanks to Gildah for her down to earth yet informative style of presentation.” Prichard Ngomane

“A while back God spoke clearly to me that if I wanted my financial situation to change and go to the next level, I personally had to be realigned.
He told me that I needed to be realigned in my Spiritual being first and the rest would follow.  I set out on a journey to discover this realignment and was introduced to Gildah’s course.
I have many time constraints on my business and personal life, yet I disciplined myself to meet with Gildah and others on a weekly basis.  Studying the financial principles and applying the knowledge, making those personal changes, I began to see change in the following areas:
  • My thinking about money changed.
  • I became much more aware of how I spent my money, as my understanding of stewardship changed and grew.
  • My faith grew and subsequently I had the faith to begin to see my way out of debt.  This measure of faith has grown, and I now am on my debt reduction programme.  I am also trusting and believing it will be paid in a certain time.
  • As I made the commitment to get out of debt, I instantly saw an increase in finances, God was bringing increase for the purpose of paying my debt.
These are just a few pointers, I would like to sincerely thank Gildah for her faithfullness, her kindness and also her faith in us as students to become financially stable, that we financially represent the Kingdom in an excellent manner.  I am now biblically realigned: spiritually, mentally and in the stewardship of my daily finances.” Anonymous

“Greetings in Jesus's name. I was involved in a 10 week Financial Course last year from June to August 2018 and this opened my spiritual eyes and I enjoyed the guidance I received from the group I interacted with.
The Bible says if you have not been faithful in the use of worldly wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you? (Luke 16: 11) This scripture taught me that I don't own a thing therefore I have to manage what God has entrusted me with. Most importantly the Bible has taught me not to be surety and to deal away with the issue of co-signing no matter the relationship I may have with that person.

In the early nineties one of our family friends approached me and my husband that he wanted to buy a car but needed someone to be surety as he just started a small business and needed a bakkie/van. I spoke to my husband after he left, that my spirit did not agree to this. He would persistently phone us about our decision and ultimately, we agreed to be used as surety on his behalf. The first few months he paid the instalments, and roughly after 6 months he didn't pay the instalment as agreed, and the bank wanted to repossess the car but instead he relocated, changed the cell number and was nowhere to be found. We had to pay the car without even having it in our possession and this also ruined the relationship we had with his parents.

Mrs Gildah Tshukutswane was invited to our Women's Day celebration at our church in 2015 and she told us that we need financial freedom in our lives as women more so Christians. I was like puzzled to hear all the verses she was quoting from the Bible. I even asked if it is possible to live a debt free life, yes indeed she told us that it is possible as she is a living testimony.

I was in debts for a very long time but thank God about the "Biblical Financial Freedom" course as I felt over-burdened by owing a lot of shops.

There was this other shop that I have been paying for more than 30 years. I would pay, close the account and guess what, they would phone me to say they have increased my credit limit and I will still go and buy, and sometimes even buy food on credit. I realized that the very same food I would pay for over 6 months and by then food won't even be on my grocery shelf.

I decided while doing this course that I was in fact a slave to most of the clothing shops. I used to also make loans just to pay my debts and pay a lot of interest. I would also buy clothes, groceries whenever I see a sale even if I did not need those items, I would just buy because I had this mentality that you cannot pay all your debts as long as you are working / getting a salary not realizing that I was in fact a slave. Through the help of the Almighty I closed most of my accounts last year and I only buy what I need most.

I am pushing to pay off the loan for an apartment I bought, and I know through the grace of God I am going to make it within the next 5 years.

I even learnt a different way of giving to God through tithes, offerings, pledges so as to expand the kingdom of God.

My children are also learning the power of giving by planting and sowing the little they get and together we can win and be FINANCIALLY Free if we live and allow God to direct our paths! Amen” Ernestinah Kgarimetsa

“I just wanted to thank you once again for the course you have ministered to us.
Not even 3 months since the end of our course, our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed me with a deal that helped me reduce substantially my debt and I have other deals in the pipeline that God willing will make me debt free very soon.

I was also able to minster the course in Portuguese here in Mozambique together with Elis to a group of friends at my home, including my wife and children which also attended.

I remain in contact with the team from Brazil. They promised to supply the material in Portuguese. To qualify I need to do the course with them in Portuguese via skype. This will allow them to move forward in administering the course in Mozambique with all materials in Portuguese being supplied from Brazil. I'm excited about this as I believe it will benefit a lot of people here.

I know there is a lot I need to learn and meditate from the course, but I'm sure the Lord will keep supporting me in this process.
Please feel free to reach out should you feel I can be useful. Best Regards,” Fausio

“Hi everyone, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank our God for his great love and faithfulness. The fin course has been a blessing to me and my family, our Lord made the way that I could testify today that by His grace I have settled all my credit card debt, my brother is doing a drug abuse detox, I’m about to close some property deals that will make me debt free, all to testify that our God is faithful, in Jesus Christ mighty name. Thank you all for your prayers, a happy festive season to all. The is so much more that the Lord has done, He is so Good” Fausio, with love.

“I take the opportunity to testify that only this week I got out of two debts. And I will get rid of others too in the name of Jesus. The course has blessed me a lot. God bless us” Elis

“Gildah when I started the financial course this year, I had no vision for debt cancellation. I had no faith, but knew I had to be on the course.  Gildah I can GLADLY say that I am now DEBT FREE, consumer debt has been PAID PAID PAID, credit cards and all.  I am just waiting on God about the house bond…..

My story:  It was against all odds that I applied for Gildah’s course, signing in with very little faith, yet I knew it was God who was prompting me to study this course.  My faith and vision grew as I worked on the course weekly.  Toward the end of the course I chose to put my faith out for supernatural debt cancellation.  In the natural there was NO HOPE.  I have been in debt for 15 years, and kept feeling there was a BLOCKAGE, and no matter what I did I could not get free. 

On competing the course, daily I would confess the scriptures on DEBT CANCELLATION.  I would tell my husband:  by DECEMBER 31, 2019 I WILL be DEBT FREE.  Many times the evidence looked so contrary to the Word.  Yet I CONTINUED CONFESSING and THANKING GOD for this breakthrough.
In November, I was asked to do some work… On two assignments, my debt reduced by 85% and in December 2019, my debt was cancelled.  I am able to pay all my salaries, bonus’s, tithes, offerings and Christmas gifts for 2019.  My INTERNATIONAL DEBT was also cancelled….  Today I AM FREE, FREE, FREE….

I share this for your encouragement…What looked like such an IMPOSSIBLITY, that the God of the IMPOSSIBLE will work for you….  Today, I am free and can plan for 2020 with a positive balance in my account.

Be intentional in your debt reduction strategy, believe to pay it off earlier and lastly trust God for the SUPERNATURAL aspect of God’s power to move for you.

I thank God for Gildah, her faith in us as students, and for her encouragement along the way.  I am richer in EVERY ASPECT of life…

God Bless you Gildah, I am eternally grateful….” Anonymous

“Going through this course made me realise that I had to clean my house first before God can trust me with His financial blessings. I suffered from lack of financial knowledge and this course helped open my eyes. I am not where I need to be but rest assured I know how to get there now. Soon I will be celebrating financial freedom in Jesus name. Thanks to Gildah for her down to earth yet informative style of presentation.” Prichard Ngomane
“Everything I have learned at this course opened my eyes in a most amazing way. Throughout my life this was never taught to me. I got to understand that the way I handle money influences my fellowship with God, it shift my focus from God and possessions compete with the Lord for first place in my life.
Jesus Christ spoke a lot about money than any other subject, and I didn't realize it until I did this course. God did not surrender ownership, control and provision - He owns everything, He is in control of everything and He is the one who provides. We experience frustration in handling money because we do not realise which responsibilities are ours and which are not.
I'm so greatful that I had an opportunity to do this course, thank you so much Gildah.” Anonymous
“The course was an eye - opener for me. It helped to reshape my relationship with money which was premised on wrong beliefs (some of which were sadly church-inspired).
Many people don't have a money problem but a revelation problem.
Having completed the course, I now understand and appreciate that EVERY financial move is a spiritual decision.” LM
“I would actually recommend it as a course worth revisiting every few years, just for believers to satisfy themselves that they are still aligned to their respective God-given purpose (and perhaps to seek God for it) with the primary purpose of ensuring that debt takes no pride or authority in their lives.
I also got to really understand what it means for God to own me as well as everything with which He has entrusted me to manage on His behalf as part of that purpose.
I think we oftentimes underestimate the impact of money and finances on our decisions and consequently lives.” Anonymous

Learning that I was an appointed steward to God’s money and possessions allowed me to not want to cling to belongings.
I’m appreciative of the commitment I made to paying cash for all my purchases. Even today, I’m still continuing on that path. I don’t have to worry about being a slave to debt.
Giving has improved as well. This was also my favourite section. I always see the principle coming to fruition when I’m consistent with giving and it has become a part of my Christian journey. Giving back to the original giver makes sense. I don’t allow that portion to be disturbed.
The financial freedom sessions helped to build consistency in my activities. To be intentional in saving, spending, giving.
Before I conclude, I love how God doesn’t allow for laziness and actually approves of hardwork and blesses it. I wanted to get away from this thinking of hard work until I realised that hardwork is just a part of our lives. It cannot be avoided.
Thanks, Anonymous 6
I was so privileged to have been part of the financial freedom course. It revealed to me God’s heart for us as his children in the area of finances. God loves us and he knows our needs and promises to meet our needs. He promises us an eternal inheritance and true riches which is sometimes challenging when you have a need that you need to be met today. I realized that I had lived my life on the principles of our society and society norms and what we are accustomed to. As a CA I have either studied or worked within the financial services sector for most of my life but never had the knowledge of God’s principles when it comes to finances. Money and finances are affected by our spiritual condition and reveal who we trust and depend on – I never realized my spending habits were a spiritual matter until we started unpacking God’s word , understanding why we spend and what drives our spending – what drives our desire – what drives our need to be in debt – do we trust in Gods provision – do we trust in him to sustain us - do we have peace ,joy and contentment in our lives  – are we spending and borrowing in search of our identity in search of acceptance in search of peace and in search of the joy that God has already given to us. I have learnt that our finances need to be built on the principles of God’s word and we need God, the holy spirit and prayer for us to have victory in all areas of our lives including in our finances. Everything that we build should be on the firm foundation that is God’s word and unless the Lord builds they that build labour in vain.
I learnt about the true cost of debt which is going back into bondage and not living in the freedom that God has given us. It’s so easy and so normal to use debt even in ways that we feel are noble like a mortgage or using debt as an instrument to fund the purchase of investment property – there are even multiple studies on the benefits of “good debt” but the word of God is very clear on debt. If we set our eyes on God and ask him for wisdom he will give it to us. We need to seek his will for us in finances and God is very practical he will give you solutions and we just need to be positioned to hear, to believe and to be obedient. I believe in tithing as an act of trust, worship thanksgiving and acknowledgment that I am a steward of what he has entrusted to me. I have seen him do more than I could ever do with the 10% and bless and protect the 90%. I was that person who never knew where their money was going to even with a budget even with tracking my spending I didn’t understand why after 3 years of working and staying at home rent free I had nothing to show. I started occasionally tithing and found it challenging because I felt I could invest the money or something would come up. Then I started tithing consistently and I have seen God move in my career in my finances in ways I could never explain in ways I could never earn or deserve. Anonymous 7
The Financial Freedom Course found me at a most difficult period in my life as I was battling depression and even thoughts of suicide, resulting from a business deal that went sideways, putting me in a US$5,000.00 hole and on the verge of loosing my business. The 10 weeks spent in study of the Word with brethren not only helped me navigate this valley but continues to produce fruit in me today. By God's grace, the business survived and is now on a growth trajectory, with 4 new full time employees. I am forever grateful for the time spent in the course and thank God for City Life Church for making it available. I am also grateful for the course leadership and my fellow course mates for precious times as iron sharpened iron on Tuesday evenings. I strongly recommend the Financial Freedom Course to every believer, regardless of what they’re currently facing.   – Anonymous 8
It was a wonderful thought provoking but most importantly spiritual uplifting 10 weeks, I am so grateful to God for this course as it has ignited in me sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I absolutely loved that it did not only touch matters of finance and money but other important topics in the Bible?? – Matshidiso Masha
I loved learning more about Gods perspective on money as well learning to shift my focus from earthly riches to eternal riches. – Zinzile Mkhosi
I loved learning about my part in being a steward for God’s property. – Anonymous 9
It really helped me to understand the truth about debt. – Candice Kroutz-Kabongo
Understanding that everything (money) belongs to God. Debt is prison. Teaching our kids financial literacy. Investment & putting my financial house in-order. – David Mkhosi
I loved learning what the Bible teaches you about finances in all aspects of life. How it taught me to use finances biblically, teaching me to understand that possessions belong to God and not me. – Kirsten Beukes
That God wants us to live a debt free life owing man nothing but  love?? . – Hazel Kana Mei
Everything belongs to God we are just stewards. – Anonymous 10
I have stopped tapping into credit since starting the course and have started my emergency fund. Each month I'm excited about the progress I'm making to reduce debt while growing my emergency savings – Anonymous 11
Topics relevant – Mathopane Masha
This program has taught me to spend money wisely and to be content with what I have. Before this program I was a big shopper with lots of impulse buying. I would be miserable when money doesn't come my way ie, when clients don't pay for services. This course has taught me to trust in the Lord and wait patiently for him, it also taught me that my possessions and money are not mine, they belong to the Lord. I have learnt to use my money wisely and to be more obedient to the word of God. – Nichola Kumbirai Mary Katsidzira (Nichola had no debt when she attended Financial Freedom Course)
God owns everything. Including the very funds in my account and I need counsel from Him how to use those funds. That was epic! – Anonymous 12


Our compulsory study material that we use is The Total Money Makeover Classic Edition Book and Workbook by Dave Ramsey


You can buy an ebook, audiobook or paperback / hard or printed books from: Amazon, Exclusive Books, Takealot, etc.


Study material cost is about R265 if you buy an audiobook of The Total Money Makeover Classic Edition Workbook – the price for an audiobook depends on our fluctuating exchange rate. In addition, you can listen to The Total Money Makeover audiobook for free on YouTube. That means the total will be about R465 (R200 registration fee + R265).


If you prefer to buy paperback / hard or printed books, then the cost will be more than that, e.g. Exclusive books sells The Total Money Makeover Book for R565 and The Total Money Makeover Workbook for R548. That means the total will be R1313 (R200 registration fee + R565 + R548).


Kindly complete exercises on the first chapter of The Total Money Makeover Classic Edition Workbook before the course start date.


We will send you our Google Meet link for our online Financial Freedom Course sessions after receiving your registration.


We look forward to being part of your Financial Freedom Journey!


Thank you,

Financial Freedom Centre Team

[email protected]