Family friendly

Walk with the Walkers

Mon Dec 2, 18:00 - Mon Dec 2, 20:00

Event is online


Walk with the Walkers

Purchase a MEDICAL VOUCHER for Meg

This event is dedicated to the Walker family, to support Matt and Meghan and their children, Ruth and Jesse, and to assist with the funding of Meghan Walker's medical treatments as she battles breast cancer at the age of 35. Meg is the mother of two young children, and is a devoted Grade 1 teacher in Hilton, South Africa.

On 12 March 2024 Megs was diagnosed with stage 2, triple-negative breast cancer. Meghan's oncologist has said she will need to receive immunotherapy in conjunction with chemotherapy, which is not covered by their medical aid. This will cost R100 000 every 3 weeks and Megs will need 17 of these. Join us in helping this family by purchasing a medical voucher - ALL VOUCHER SALES will go towards Meg's medical treatments.

Don't forget to save a copy of your voucher confirmation number. Two of these vouchers are linked to two great trips. We will announce the holders of these 2 special vouchers at the voucher presentation event.

Thank you so much for your support.