GrowthCLUB 90 day Planning Workshop (copy)
Wed Aug 21, 08:00 - Wed Aug 21, 16:00
The Pencil Club
As a Business Owner you have so many competing demands on your time and energy, that unless you are able to create momentum, you’re likely to run out of energy long before you realise your dream. The only way to create momentum is to ensure that the actions that you take build on each other so that a compounding effect is created.
This requires that you know clearly what it is that you want to achieve and that you have a road map that takes you from where you are to where you want to get to. The same way that a pilot makes continues adjustments to their flight plan enroute, Business Owners also need to periodically review their plan and make the necessary adjustment to ensure that they arrive at the destination which they intended.
The GrowthCLUB workshop gives you a rare opportunity to step back and look at your business as an Owner not as the hardest working employee in the business. It will give you a chance to gain insight into your business and the areas of untapped potential. But perhaps most of all it will revitalise you and fire you up to achieve a business that supports you to live a life of joy and fulfillment.
We can't wait to host you at our next GrowthCLUB on 21 August 2024
Guest Speaker: Sue Stringer - We've all wondered who we are and what makes us unique. You Are Unique. You Are Powerful. Be Confident With Who You Are. Understanding your strengths unlocks your potential and leads you to greater performance.
Build your Business for Scalability, Sustainability and Profitability!
GrowthCLUB is your chance to step up and get further business focus. We’ll work with you to map out a winning game plan for your business over the next 90 days. You will learn strategies to increase profits, work fewer hours and build winning teams which you can adapt and adopt to get them working for your business. You will walk away with an easy week-by-week action plan that will show you exactly what to do and when.
By attending you will achieve the following:
· Build your 90-day plan for your business
· Learn how to execute practical strategies in order to achieve your goals
· Get energised, focused, and develop the vision for your business
· Achieve massive results in your business over the next 90 days