Family friendly

Kamerkoor Fees | Chamber Choir Fest

Sat Oct 19, 18:00 - Sat Oct 19, 20:00

NG Kerk Alberton-Wes


Die Voces Libres Kamerkoor nooi u hartlik uit om by ons aan te sluit vir ons Kamerkoor-fees op Saterdag 19 Oktober 2024. Hierdie fees bied ‘n spesiale geleentheid om Wêreldsingdag te vier. Die fees sal plaasvind by NG Kerk Alberton Wes, met verrigtinge wat om 17:30 vir 18:00 begin en om 20:00 eindig.

Hierdie koorfees wil die vreugde en eenheid wat sang bied te vier, om gemeenskap te bou en  kameraadskap in die kamerkoor-omgewing te bevorder.


The Voces Libres Chamber Choir cordially invites you to join us for our Chamber Choir festival on Saturday 19 October 2024. This festival offers a special opportunity to celebrate World Singing Day. The festival will take place at NG Kerk Alberton Wes, with proceedings starting at 17:30 for 18:00 and ending at 20:00.

This choral festival aims to celebrate the joy and unity that singing provides, to build community and promote camaraderie in the chamber choir environment.


Kamerkoor Fees | Chamber Choir Fest
NG Kerk Alberton-Wes
9 Fore St, New Redruth, Johannesburg, 1449
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