Journalism legends unite | Legendes in die joernalistiek herenig
Thu Sep 12, 18:00 - Thu Sep 12, 21:00
26 Crozier Street, Journalism Department
Prof Herman Wasserman, chair of the Department of Journalism, invites all alumni to join their classmates for an informal get-together over food and drinks to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. This is an opportunity to forge connections across generations as you reminisce over the hours you all spent fine-tuning your skills in our building. Learn about the diverse journeys that your friends and colleagues have been on since you graduated. The department will also showcase its current offering and provide a glimpse into the lives of students and staff who currently roam the halls at 26 Crozier Street.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday 12 September 2024
Time: 17h30 for 18h00
Venue: 26 Crozier Street, Department of Journalism lecture hall and courtyard
Please join us for an evening of camaraderie and reflection as we honor the legacy of our department and the contributions of our alumni to the field of journalism.
We look forward to welcoming you back to your alma mater for this special reunion.
Kind regards,
Department of Journalism
Stellenbosch University
Prof Herman Wasserman, voorsitter van die Departement Joernalistiek, nooi alle alumni uit om by hul klasmaats aan te sluit vir 'n informele saamkuier met ligte verversings. Kom sluit asseblief by ons aan en maak weer kontak met ou vriende of smee nuwe vriendskappe. Dit is 'n geleentheid om verhoudings oor generasies heen te bou terwyl jy terugdink aan die ure wat jy hier deurgebring het om jou vaardighede te slyp. Ontdek die uiteenlopende paaie wat jou vriende en kollegas sedert jul gradeplegtigheid gestap het. Die departement sal ook sy huidige aanbod ten toon stel en 'n blik gee op die lewens van die studente en personeel wat tans in die gange van Crozierstraat 26 rondloop.
Datum: Donderdag 12 September 2024
Tyd: 17h30 vir 18h00
Plek: Departement Joernalistiek, lesingsaal en binnehof
Sluit asseblief by ons aan vir 'n aand van kameraderie en refleksie terwyl ons die nalatenskap van ons departement en die bydraes van ons alumni tot die veld van joernalistiek vier.
Ons sien daarna uit om jou terug te verwelkom vir hierdie spesiale reünie.
Vriendelike groete,
Departement Joernalistiek
Universiteit Stellenbosch