Metanoia Residence Homecoming 2024
Sat Sep 14, 09:00 - Sat Sep 14, 12:00
Metanoia Residence
It’s that time of the year again, where we host all Metanoians during our annual Homecoming weekend.
We will host a “pit-stop” brunch at Metanoia to serve as a networking, meet and greet session; this will be accompanied by refreshments and involve current students and leadership.
2024 is also incredibly special as we will also be celebrating the 10-year anniversary of those that started their university journey in 2014.
There will be an opportunity to re-unite with current leaders and students of Metanoia - allowing for a glimpse into the contemporary nature of the residence.
If you were in leadership during your time at Metanoia, it would be lovely to have you and your whole leadership team back and retake the renowned house committee photo.
After the Meta Brunch, we will make our way to the Stellenbosch Winemakers Showcase, so ensure that you grab your ticket for both.
Click here to purchase the Stellenbosch Alumni Winemaker Showcase
Dit is weer daardie tyd van die jaar, waar ons alle Metanoians huisves tydens ons jaarlikse Tuiskoms-naweek.
Ons sal 'n "pit-stop" brunch by Metanoia aanbied om te dien as 'n netwerk, ontmoet en groet sessie; dit sal met verversings gepaardgaan en huidige studente en leierskap betrek.
2024 is ook ongelooflik spesiaal aangesien ons ook die 10-jarige herdenking van diegene wat hul universiteitsreis in 2014 begin het, sal vier.
Daar sal 'n geleentheid wees om weer met huidige leiers en studente van Metanoia te verenig - wat 'n kykie in die kontemporêre aard van die koshuis moontlik maak. As jy in leierskap was tydens jou tyd by Metanoia, sal dit heerlik wees om jou en jou hele leierspan terug te hê en die bekende huiskomiteefoto weer te neem.
Na die Meta Brunch gaan ons na die Stellenbosch Winemakers Showcase, so maak seker dat jy jou kaartjie vir albei kry.
"Click here" om die Stellenbosch Alumni Winemaker Showcase te koop