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LinkedIn: From Connection to Contact in 30 Days.

Thu Sep 26, 09:00 - Thu Sep 26, 13:00

Cabanga Conference Centre


From Connection to Contact in 30 Days

By now you probably already know that LinkedIn is one of the most effective marketing avenues to generate quality leads and convert them to sales.

If you're like most entrepreneurs, you may be struggling and failing to crack the LinkedIn code so that you can generate meaningful business.

We've asked a LinkedIn sales optimisation consultant, Jacques de Villiers, to present his lead generation and sales conversion workshop: LinkedIn: From Connection to Contact in 30 Days.

What you'll learn on the workshop:

  • How to design a hero-shot banner that conveys your unique selling proposition.
  • How to craft a compelling headline and about section that speaks to your ideal client and draws them into a conversation with you.
  • How to build your ideal client avatar.
  • How to write attention grabbing connection requests that get you a 40% conversion rate.
  • How to get your new connections into your email database that is POPIA compliant so that you can market to them over time.
  • How to become the dominant brand in your niche by writing posts and articles that appeal to your ideal clients.
  • How to get your 1st connections' connections to notice you and engage with you.

After the workshop, you will have the tools to reach out to every one of your connections telephonically with the view to setting up an in-person or online appointment so that you can make more sales off LinkedIn more consistently.


  • The Architecture of Selling EBook. The Foundations of a sale.
  • Stop Losing Sales Now. How to Overcome Objections EBook.
  • How To Get Past The Gatekeeper. EBook.
  • Edge of the Rain. Mindset shift EBook.

Jacques de Villiers - Rainmaker

Jacques de Villiers specialises in using LinkedIn to help clients generate leads and optimise sales.

He cut his teeth in public relations and advertising in the early 90s. In the mid 90s when the Internet became popular in South Africa, he specialised in SEO and direct response copywriting. This was where his love of marketing and sales found fertile ground and blossomed into his own consultancy.

Since then, he has led nine sales teams as an outsourced sales leader. 

He has delivered over 2,000 keynotes and training sessions, both domestically and internationally, focusing on marketing and sales. He has presented in Milan, Teheran, Sydney and Port Louis, amongst others.

As a copywriter and author, Jacques has written more than 12-million words circa 1996. He has published 973 articles, 323 of which were on physical paper before the internet era.

As a direct sales copywriter he has helped his clients generate more than R30-million through email marketing alone.

He has written one book for his own account, a spiritual text called, What If Hollywood Doesn’t Call? A Fractured Monk’s Guide to Enlightenment, and he has ghostwritten and edited 36 books.

When he’s not writing, speaking, training and consulting, you’ll find him playing chess and catching bass.


Jacques is absolutely amazing to work with. He’s ability to translate and articulate your vision is second to none. - Peter Robinson, Master builder and LinkedIn client.

Jacques understood what I was looking for, and turned my rather mundane profile introduction, using his prolific use of words, to create a professional and creative LinkedIn profile to help me stand out as a Professional Coach. - Carly Kay, Leadership Coach

I recently asked Jacques to coach me on prospecting and using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. He has incredible marketing and sales knowledge and manages to connect all the dots for you so that you can do the work effortlessly.

He provides step-by-step guidelines, and after our session, I've managed to finalize my lead magnet and set up a four-email automation sequence(something I've never done). I also have a strategy to reach out to new connections and provide them with value before asking for a meeting.

If you want to up your marketing and sales game and sell much quicker-get Jacques as a coach, hire him for your team for the day or book him as a speaker. - Yoke van Dam, Professional Speaker and Trainer

Jacques captured the essence of my business perfectly with his LinkedIn profile service. - Charles Weyer, Professional speaker and coach


LinkedIn: From Connection to Contact in 30 Days.
Cabanga Conference Centre
252A Montrose Ave, Northgate, Randburg, 2162
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