The Ungrateful Gargoyle
Fri Sep 20, 20:00 - Fri Sep 27, 21:30
The Outlore Base
Do you read these?
I've been thinking about a show... how does it start? How does it end? What is it about? Is it about me? Or you? Or us? Is it funny? Is it sad? I think it's a bit of everything... is it my life story??? Is it even a show? Or is it an experience?
If you're wondering whether to see it or not, it's really up to you. I've done some other stuff before --------> XCODE (which people loved), CAMP HELLFIRE (which people were confused by), MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE (which critics loved and awarded... slay), STILL LIFE, FRAGMENTS, BAKED SHAKESPEARE, THE MUSES. I don't want to brag, but if you know my work then you know that this show will be like nothing you're ever seen before.
Okay, so you're still reading this. Good for you!
You want to come see it?
Standard Access: R200
Immersive Access: R400 ----> become a vital character in the game
Full Exclusive Access: R650 ----> play as The Ungrateful Gargoyles right hand man and have a drink with The Ungrateful Gargoyle on the house
Dates: 20 - 27 September (Performances Everyday)
Time: Doors Open at 19:00 - Doors closed at 19:55 (Don't be late... because we won't let you in)
Price: you tell me
Age Restriction: 18+
Place: The Outlore Base (80 Hout Street)
Disability Access Disclaimer
Please note that the venue is located on the third floor and is only accessible via stairs. Unfortunately, there is no elevator or alternative access for individuals with mobility impairments. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and are committed to ensuring a welcoming experience for all our guests.