BASE Night of Inspiring Talks II
Wed Sep 11, 18:00 - Wed Sep 11, 19:00
The Labia Theatre
A night of inspiring talks featuring 4 speakers on BASE - Business, Adventure, Social Upliftment and Education. In aid of Crew for a Cause, an education fund that is paving the way for SA's brightest young minds.
Murray Clark
CEO and Co-Founder of Neighbourgood
Talk: Building Neighbourgood
Kirsten Neuschafer
First woman and first South African to win a solo around-the-world yacht race
Talk: Around alone
Social Upliftment
DJ Fosta
Co-founder of Bridges for Music
Talk: How music helps preserve cultural heritage
Leopold van Velden
CEO of Thuma Mina Teaching
Talk: Aspiring towards a transformed education narrative in SA