Colour in Modern Resin Treatment

Tue Sep 10, 18:00 - Tue Sep 10, 19:30

Event is online


Composite in dentistry is a popular topic during dental congresses and debates worldwide. But despite all the advances in techniques and materials, the most asked and debated question still remains; “How do we get predictable colour matching in direct anterior composites”. Why is it that we are still having difficulty in achieving better colour matching? What techniques are available to help us achieve more predictable results? And the biggest question of all: “does it really matter?” During this presentation, Dr van Lierop will explore the difficulties we face in direct anterior restorations. He will look at the common problems we share and try and identify simple solutions that could help us overcome these problems in our every day practice.

We will discuss:

•                 Planning with the end in mind

•                 The importance of Shape, and Texture

•                 Simplified layering we can all use

•                 The place for a single shade

•                 It all depends on the finishing