Rob Feesweek Glansaand: Talent Vonk / Rob Festival Week Prestige Evening: Talent Spark

Wed Sep 11, 18:30 - Wed Sep 11, 20:30

Hoërskool Saal / High School Hall


Laat die vonke spat!

Ons Robbies is aan die brand wat kuns betref.

Kom kyk gerus hoe ons spog met ons gesogde Eisteddfod-deelnemers, asook ander talentvolle Robbies wat uitblink in Kuns, Tekeninge en Robotieka.

Let the sparks fly!

Our Robbies are on fire when it comes to the arts.

Come and see how we show off our prestigious Eisteddfod participants, as well as other talented Robbies who excel in Art, Drawings and Robotics.


Rob Feesweek Glansaand: Talent Vonk / Rob Festival Week Prestige Evening: Talent Spark
Hoërskool Saal / High School Hall
Danie Joubert St, White River, 1240
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