Family friendly


Sat Nov 16, 09:00 - Sat Nov 16, 17:00

Route 21 Business Park


Workshop Description: Destiny—Discover and Cultivate Your Gifts, Skills, Purpose, and Calling

Embark on a transformative journey to uncover and cultivate your God-given gifts, skills, and purpose in our Destiny Workshop. Designed to help you understand your unique calling and design, this practical workshop will empower you to live fully in alignment with the purpose God has ordained for your life.

Workshop Overview:

- Discover Your Calling: Dive deep into the essence of your existence as you explore your divine calling. Understand the unique purpose that God has placed on your life and how it aligns with His universal plan.

- Identify Your Gifts and Skills: Through guided self-discovery questionnaires, you will identify the spiritual and natural gifts that God has given you. These tools will help you recognize your strengths and talents, revealing the specific areas where you are called to serve and excel.

Cultivate Your Potential: Learn how to nurture and develop your gifts and skills, both in the spiritual and natural realms. This workshop provides practical strategies to help you grow in your God-given abilities and ensure you are fully equipped to walk in your calling.

- Explore the Reason for Your Existence: Reflect on life's deeper questions as you explore the reasons for your existence. Gain clarity on how your life’s purpose fits into God’s Kingdom and how you can impact the world around you.

- Live in Alignment with Your Design: Embrace your unique Godly design and learn how to live in alignment with it. This workshop will guide you in integrating your gifts, skills, and calling into every aspect of your life, allowing you to fulfill your destiny confidently and purposefully.

What You Will Gain:

- Clarity on Your Purpose: Achieve a clear understanding of your God-given purpose, calling, and the specific roles you are meant to fulfill.

- Identification of Gifts: Identify and affirm the spiritual and natural gifts and skills God has placed within you, setting the foundation for their development.

- Practical Application: Gain practical tools and insights to cultivate and grow your gifts, ensuring they are fully activated and aligned with your calling.

- Empowerment to Live Fully: Leave the workshop empowered to live fully in your purpose and calling, confident in your unique design, and equipped to make a lasting impact.

Join us for the Destiny Workshop and discover the fullness of who God created you to be. Step into your purpose confidently, cultivate your gifts, and live a life that honors God's unique calling on your life. Your destiny awaits—embrace it and thrive!


Route 21 Business Park
25 Victoria Link, Route 21 Business Park, Centurion, 0178
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