St David's Choir is Alive Festival - 2024

Mon Sep 16, 18:30 - Mon Sep 16, 21:30

The Linder Auditorium - College of Education at Wits


“I love to hear a choir. I love the humanity; to see the faces of real people devoting themselves to a piece of music. I like the teamwork. It makes me feel optimistic about the human race when I see them cooperating like that.”   Paul McCartney

Every choir goes on stage looking forward to the experience, not just hoping for the best, but deliberately making their best happen. What an incredible lesson for our students: that the power to do their best and the ability to shape their worlds are within their reach; they simply need to make those choices every day.

THE CHOIR IS ALIVE Choir Festival is a celebration of choir, of music and of the positive choices we get to make in our lives. Come to witness the beauty of those gorgeous ingredients coming together in every school’s performance and encourage our students with the warmest of applause to continue to make their best happen not only on the stage of the incredible Linder Auditorium, but also with every step they take on their life journeys.

This year we welcome Brescia House, St Stithians Boys’ and Girls’ Colleges, Kingsmead and Roedean School to the festival.