Family friendly
Art & Stitch Workshop
Sat Sep 14, 09:00 - Sat Sep 14, 13:00
Allhart Office park, Building 4, Ground Floor
Art & Stitch Workshop
Join us for a whimsical workshop at:
-Allhart Office Park, 154 Western Service Rd, Woodmead, Sandton, 2191 on
-September 14th
-9 AM to 1 PM!
Unleash your inner artist as we paint a vibrant tree, then scrunch tulle in odd and creative ways and sew on buttons, beads, and ribbons to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece tree for your friends and family to be "jelly" over.
Bring your flair and let's overcome creative blocks together to make tote-ally fabulous works of art!
Tea and coffee included!