FutureLeader Trend Watch Breakfast and Innovation League Awards

Tue Nov 12, 08:30 - Tue Nov 12, 12:30

The Cellar Hall, Lanzerac Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, Cape Town


In today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead requires more than just keeping up—it demands innovation that drives meaningful change. The African Innovation League and the FutureLeaders Trend Watch event is your exclusive gateway to staying informed on the latest industry trends, learning how to master innovation for measurable success, and gaining a deep dive into the new ISO 56001 Innovation Management Standard. This high-impact, half-day event is designed for forward-thinking leaders who want to position their organisations at the forefront of change.

Why Attend?

Stay Ahead of the Curve

The FutureLeaders Trend Watch Breakfast is more than a gathering—it’s where industry trailblazers converge to explore the future of business. Delve into the latest market shifts and emerging innovation strategies that will equip you to navigate tomorrow's challenges with confidence. This dynamic session provides actionable insights that will ensure your organisation remains agile, competitive, and innovative.


Build Sustainable Innovation Capabilities

The African Innovation League celebrates organisations that transform ideas into real-world impact. Whether you’re just embarking on your innovation journey or fine-tuning your strategy, this is your chance to assess your position, gain invaluable perspectives, and earn recognition for your efforts. Organisations that participate are honoured across four prestigious categories, ensuring that innovation success is recognised at every stage.


Master the ISO 56001 Standard

The newly launched ISO 56001 Innovation Management Standard (September 2024) is a game-changer for organisations committed to leading in innovation. This event offers an in-depth exploration of the standard, providing you with the knowledge to integrate it into your organisation’s DNA, drive maximum ROI from innovation investments, and foster meaningful, measurable results.

What to Expect


The FutureLeaders Trend Watch Breakfast (08:30 – 10:30)

This energising session brings together top business leaders to discuss the game-changing trends shaping industries across Africa. You’ll leave with strategies, insights, and tools that can help transform your organisation into a resilient, future-ready powerhouse.

Key agenda highlights include:

  • The Future of Business: An exploration of emerging trends and their impact on future-facing organisations, led by renowned local futurist and expert in the field of innovation, future trends and technology development, Pieter Geldenhuys.

Title: When Megatrends Collide: "Headlines from the Future"  - Pieter Geldenhuys, Institute for Technology Strategy and Innovation

  • The ISO 56001 Innovation Management Standard: Learn from an international expert on how this new global standard can help you elevate your organisation’s innovation efforts.

Title: The new ISO 56001 Innovation Management Requirement Standard: "An in-depth exploration of implications, and what it means

business." - Dr Magnus Karlsson, Amplify, Sweden. Active contributor to the standardisation of the ISO 56000 family.


The African Innovation League Awards Ceremony (11:00– 12:30)

Following the FutureLeaders Breakfast, the Innovation League Awards will honour standout innovative organisations across four categories. Each participating company receives a tailored innovation report to help sharpen its competitive edge and align with ISO 56001 requirements. The categories are:


  • Associate Innovation League Member: Recognising and celebrating organisation's emerging innovation journeys while uncovering valuable growth opportunities for early-stage development
  • Silver Category – Innovation Architect: Awarded to organisations that have established robust foundations for innovation and demonstrate consistent progress in their innovative endeavours.
  • Gold Category – Innovation Strategist: Celebrating those with a well-defined innovation roadmap and measurable success, acknowledging their strategic approach to driving innovation.
  • Platinum Category – Innovation Master: The highest accolade in innovation, recognising those who exhibit advanced, transformative practices with significant, high-impact results.

Enter the African Innovation League Awards by clicking on the red register button here:


By Invitation Only

This exclusive, invitation-only event offers unparalleled access to industry insights, innovation frameworks, and an invaluable network of peers. Whether you are leading innovation efforts or seeking to enhance your organisation’s capabilities, this event provides the insights and connections you need to thrive.


FutureLeader Trend Watch Breakfast and Innovation League Awards
The Cellar Hall, Lanzerac Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, Cape Town
1 Lanzerac Rd, Karindal, Stellenbosch, 7600
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