To Cultivate

Fri Oct 18, 18:30 - Sat Oct 19, 13:30

The Adam Small Theatre Complex


Every woman living in 1955 knows that the best book clubs have three key ingredients: cake, secrets, and blood (but the best kind!). To be a member of Ms Wicken's book club is an honour because she cultivates a special bond between her members; a bond so potent, the women consider themselves sisters. But sisterhood is like fine china; beautiful, rare.. and fragile. Nothing is as it seems. Every member of Ms Wickens's book club has a secret, but a secret is only a secret if one person knows about it...

Come join our book club to be a part of our sisterhood.


Elke vrou wat in 1955 woon, weet dat die beste boekklubs drie sleutelbestanddele het: koek, geheime en bloed (maar die beste soort!). Om 'n lid van me Wicken se boekklub te wees is 'n eer omdat sy 'n spesiale band tussen haar lede kweek; 'n band wat so sterk is dat die vroue hulself as susters beskou. Maar susterskap is soos fyn porselein; pragtig, skaars .. en broos. Niks is soos dit lyk nie. Elke lid van Me Wickens se boekklub het 'n geheim, maar 'n geheim is net 'n geheim as een persoon daarvan weet...

Kom sluit aan by ons boekklub om deel te wees van ons susterskap.



Directed and written by Claire Kakora, Tayla Jansen, Fezeka Nontlanga, Jessica Deeb, Kendal Muzzell, Chelsea Symonds, Khaya Manare


To Cultivate
The Adam Small Theatre Complex
15 Victoria St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600
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