Stille nag

Fri Oct 18, 20:00 - Sat Oct 19, 12:00

The Adam Small Theatre Complex


STILLE NAG… heilige nag…

Oukersaand saam met die De Wet-familie is alles behalwe stil. Ma het iets wat sy vir die kinders wil aankondig na Kersfees, maar almal is te besig om hul eie geheime te probeer wegsteek in dié komiese kersfees klug. Soos oupa altyd gesê het: “Jy kan nie ‘n doos wees op Kersfees nie, jy draai hom toe en sit n strik om.”


SILENT NIGHT…holy night…

Christmas Eve with the De Wet family is everything but Silent. Ma has something she is planning on announcing to the family after Christmas, but everybody has their own agenda to worry about in this Christmas Farce. Like grandpa always said: “you can’t be a Doos on Christmas, you wrap and put a bow on top. “


Stille nag
The Adam Small Theatre Complex
15 Victoria St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600
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