No under 18s

MeetAdam(s) Tue 29 October 2024

Tue Oct 29, 18:30 - Tue Oct 29, 21:00

Hussar Tapas Stellenbosch


Kom praat saam oor hoe gesonde manlikheid lyk!

Manne van vandag is gereeld gespanne, geïrriteerd, gefrustreerd, ongelukkig, onseker of eensaam.

Mans het baie keer ook nie 'n ruimte waar hulle dit openlik kan erken en bespreek met ander mans nie.

Wat beteken dit om 'n man te wees in hierdie tyd? Is ek mans genoeg? Wat word van mans verwag? Waar behoort ek? Hoe moet ek opdaag in die lewe?

Ons baie informele maandelikse manne-aande skep hierdie ruimte waar mans hierdie vrae kan verken.

Onderwerp: Adam en sy wederhelf In gesprek met André Kilian (berader, coach en groep-fasiliteerder oor een van die belangrikste aspekte van Adam se lewe: sy verhouding met sy beterhelf.

Ete en wyn ingesluit - kontantkroeg beskikbaar vir die res.

Hussar Grill Tapas, Good Hope Building, 23 Plein St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600

Dinsdag 29 Oktober 2024

18:30 vir 19:00 - 21:00

Deel gerus hierdie uitnodiging met ander mans wat ook mag baat by 'n boys' night met gewig!

Hoop om jou daar te sien, Adam!

Chris van den Berg

062 342 9746

Join us for a conversation about what healthy masculinity looks like!

Todays men are often stressed, irritable, frustrated, unhappy, drifting or lonely.

Men often don't have a space to acknowledge and discuss this openly amongst fellow men.

What does it mean to be a man in this age? Am I man enough? What's expected of men? Where do I belong? How should I show up in life?

Our very informal monthly men's evenings create this space where men can explore these questions.

Topic: Adam and his other half In conversation with André Kilian (counsellor, coach and group facilitator about one of the most important aspects of Adam's life: his relationship with his better half.

Meal and wine included - cash bar available for the rest.

Tuesday 29 October 2024

Hussar Grill Tapas, Good Hope Building, 23 Plein St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600

18:30 for 19:00 - 21:00

Please share this event with other men who might benefit from a boys' night out with substance!

Hope to see you there, Adam!

Chris van den Berg

062 342 9746


MeetAdam(s) Tue 29 October 2024
Hussar Tapas Stellenbosch
23 Plein St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600
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