MOYA | An Acrobatic Art Film

Fri Nov 1, 09:14 - Thu Dec 31, 00:00

Event is online


Zip Zap’s professional troupe present MOYA | An Acrobatic Art film. This contemporary take on the heritage and culture of South Africa in an award-winning film which was released in April 2021.


Stuck in the midst of lockdown Zip Zap’s first ever acrobatic art film was born, a movie rooted in South African culture, seen through the eyes of our youth. Staying true to the essence of Zip Zap, the professional troupe pushed creative boundaries and explored collective acrobatic work, African dance (including Gumboots and Pantsula), as well as traditional circus disciplines. In a particularly moving extract of the show, the history of gumboot dancing, a traditional South African dance that was born in the gold mines at the height of the migrant labour system during Apartheid, is showcased. The dance is extremely physical and serves as a cathartic release, celebrating the body as an instrument. This piece is a strong demonstration of the communion that lies at the heart of gumboot dancing and what Zip Zap Circus ultimately stands for.


It reflects the past, present and future of this multicultural cast and nation, which is observed through the beauty of art and movement to bring people together. Expect a polished voyage, through the landscape of the magical Western Cape, masterly crafted to inspire contemplation, understand true story telling through movement, and to not only witness the journey, but become part of it.


The film was adapted to a live show and MOYA is currently on a world tour.

Watch the trailer

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