No under 16s

VSSM 2025 Siklus 1

Sun Feb 2, 18:00 - Sun Mar 30, 18:00

Veranderde Lewens Kerk


CHANGED LIVES uses the DVD curriculum and guides from Bethel Church in Redding, California, USA. This program includes teachings from notable leaders such as Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk, Kevin Dedmon, and Banning Liebscher. It is a highly regarded training program attended annually by around two thousand students of all ages.

This intensive program covers topics such as Bible study and theology, assigned readings, as well as the impartation and activation of spiritual gifts, all within an atmosphere of revival and renewal.

The format consists of three cycles of eight weeks each and will align with the Changed Lives small group calendar for 2025.

VERANDERDE LEWENS gebruik die DVD-leerplan en handleidings van Bethel Kerk in Redding, Kalifornië, VSA. Hierdie program sluit onderrig in deur bekende leiers soos Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk, Kevin Dedmon, en Banning Liebscher. Dit is 'n hoogs gesogte opleidingsprogram wat jaarliks deur sowat tweeduisend studente van alle ouderdomme bygewoon word.

Hierdie intensiewe program dek onderwerpe soos Bybelstudie en teologie, voorgeskrewe leeswerk, asook die oordrag en aktivering van geestelike gawes, alles binne 'n atmosfeer van herlewing en vernuwing.

Die formaat bestaan uit drie siklusse van agt weke elk en sal saamval met Veranderde Lewens se kleingroep-kalender vir 2025.