Masters Final Performance - Dani Kyengo O’Neill

Thu Nov 28, 19:00 - Fri Nov 29, 20:00

CTDPS P4 Studio Theatre, Old Workshop Building


About CADENZA by Dani Kyengo O’Neill:

CADENZA is a performance installation choreographed and directed by Dani Kyengo O’Neill.

A cadenza (meaning cadence) is an improvised free rhythmic style or ornamental passage in music played by a soloist to allow virtuosic display. During the cadenza the accompaniment will rest, sustaining only a single final note or a chord often marked by a fermata ??, held beyond its natural duration.

Using the violin and Laban’s Movement Analysis (LMA) as a bedrock for investigating feminised noise, fragmentation, the “bounded” body and themes of dissent and descent through screen dance, spatial and sonic performance, CADENZA is a performance installation that workshops the tensions between time, temporality, gesture, weight, acousmêtre, dissonance, exteriority and interiority concerning the logic of visualisation as imagined through a black feminine corporeal. Unbounded from the written score, a cadenza occurs to mark the finale or the ending of a piece.

CADENZA approaches our corporeal relationships to thresholds - both physical and metaphysical - as mirrors to grieve, unbound the body and undo time.


Masters Final Performance - Dani Kyengo O’Neill
CTDPS P4 Studio Theatre, Old Workshop Building
31, 37 Orange St, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001
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