Family friendly

Homeschool Kitchen Table

Tue Jan 28, 19:30 - Tue Jan 28, 20:30

Event is online


In the years before Facebook and Instagram, Zoom and Google Meet, there was a pioneer group of homeschooling parents who were scattered around South Africa and were looking for fellowship and community with other parents who were choosing to homeschool their families.

Homeschool Kitchen Table was birthed by homeschooling mom, Adelé Breedt in answer to this. Using the old Yahoo Group email platform, moms around the country were able to connect and share struggles and get encouragement. It became a life source for a fledgling group of parents who wanted to swim upstream and take on the challenge of home education.

In this technological era, we are told that we are the most connected/unconnected society that has ever existed. All these social media platforms leave us with a sense that we have peeped into another person's life but we have not seen their true needs, nor had our own met.

In this monthly gathering place, Shirley and Wendy, aim to come alongside homeschooling moms and meet you where you are. We simply want to sit around the kitchen table and have a cup of tea or coffee with you and chat. Please join us, no matter where you are on your journey or what age your children are. Let us build a loving and supportive community together.

Starting on the 28th January, we will meet once a month in the evening. Some evenings it may only be Shirley and others Wendy who hosts the event. Sometimes we will host it together.

We have not planned themes for these discussions, but we may include some topic specific gatherings, later in the year, as we determine, with you, what the greatest needs are.

We look forward to having you join us. And please spread the word with your support groups and friends.