Class of 2015, 2005, 2000, 1995 & 1985 K-Day Reunion
Thu Jun 12, 00:00 - Fri Jun 13, 00:00
Kingswood College
The Classes of 2015, 2005, 2000, 1995 & 1985 will be celebrating their 10, 20, 25, 30 & 40 year reunions over K-Day Week, which will take place from Thursday, the 12th to Friday, the 13th of June, 2025. This will be an opportunity for Old Kingswoodians, friends and families to gather together and reminisce, and experience the Kingswood magic again. We look forward to welcoming you back on to campus.
Reunion Programme:
Class of 2015 - 10 Year Reunion
Class of 2005 - 20 Year Reunion
Class of 2000 - 25 Year Reunion
Class of 1995 - 30 Year Reunion
Class of 1985 - 40 Year Reunion
Thursday 12 June:
- 10h30: Legends Golf Day (Belmont Golf Club - Bookings to be made directly with Amy Webster at
- 17h00: Registration and welcome drinks (Kingswood Museum)
- 18h00: Boys 1st XI Hockey vs St Andrew's (City Lords Astro)
- 19h00: Reunion Dinner (Kingswood Dining Hall - Booking Required)
- 21h00: Wyvern open for drinks
Friday 13 June:
- 08h30: Coffee, tea and rusks (Kingswood Museum)
- 08h45: Campus Tour
- 10h00: Lighting of Candles in the Chapel
- 10h30: Champagne Brunch (Kingswood Museum - Booking Required)
- 11h30: Group photographs (Cop's Lawn)
- 15h00: OK vs OA/ODSG hockey and rugby matches (St Andrews/DSG)
- 18h00: Girls 1st VII Netball (City Lords)
- 19h00: War Cries and Festivities (City Lords)
Saturday 14 June:
- 09h00: Vendors and Wyvern Open
- 09h00: U13A Girls Netball (Junior School Courts)
- 11h00: U13A Boys Rugby (Dold Field)
- 13h00: Girls 1st XI Hockey (City Lords Astro)
- 15h30: Boys 1st XV Rugby (City Lords)