Khabza de Khabza, Hammarsdale presents Dave Reynolds & Victor Sithole
Sun Mar 16, 14:00 - Sun Mar 16, 17:00
Khabza De Khabza
Usukulungele okuthile okusha ? All the way from Cape Town, multi-instrumentalist Dave Reynolds brings the smooth sounds of the Caribbean steelpans & Paraguyuan harp to KZN to team up with our very own Victor Sithole on indigenous instruments as part of a nationwide tour funded by ConcertsSA.
Dave has performed and recorded all over the world with Andy Narell, Hugh Masekela, the late Sipho Gumede, Paul Hanmer, Pops Mohamed, McCoy Mrubata, Rebecca Malope, Joe Nina and others. He been nominated for numerous SAMAs and his latest album SANDANCE THE SOUNDTRACK has won 11 international awards at film festivals all over the world.
Victor is a world renowned master of a number of indigenous instruments. He studied ethnomusicology in Melbourne, Australia and has toured to Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Brazil, Cuba, Spain, Mexico and Germany.
The will be joined by groove masters Jazz Hlubi (bass) and Dumisane Hlela (drums) so it’ll be a day to remember, Hammarsdale !
Get your tickets here because they’ll be more expensive at the door. And tell your friends !