Family friendly

Sourdough Bread

Sat Apr 19, 10:00 - Sat Dec 20, 14:30

The Shed


Learn about sourdough starters and wholegrain flour and long fermentation methods and baking with a Dutch Oven (which replicates the temperature and humidity of professional bread ovens) at home. At this workshop we will be baking a Rye/wholewheat Austrian style Landbrod prepared with a natural wild yeast leaven. Space for up to 10 people and includes a delicious light breakfast and lunch. Join us and take home your bread.

The Village Baker, John Williams, offers intimate artisan baking and bread making workshops in Greyton. Workshops are held at The Shed, a studio bakery, found on Park Street tucked under an enormous oak tree, where a pair of mythical Hammerkops have made their nest. All of John’s breads are for sale on a Saturday at the Greyton Village Market as well as on a Wednesday at Pure Café.


Sourdough Bread
The Shed
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