No under 18s

Restore Joburg - Mind, Body & Spirit Care for Women.

Sat Mar 29, 10:00 - Sat Mar 29, 19:00

Lang de Moun Mon


Restore Joburg

You deserve space to heal.

Join us for a day dedicated to mind, body, and spirit care for women.

NOTE: POC (People of Colour) ONLY Event

This space welcomes all people who embody and live on the spectrum of the divine feminine.


10-10:30am Arrival

10:30-10:45am Opening & Chant with Thabang Motsieloa 

10:45-11:00am Sound Circle

11- 11:30am Welcome & Introductions

11:30-11:50am Group Reiki & Guided Meditation

11:50-12pm Care Break

12-12:50pm Embodied Movement with Dame Sadie & Desiree Ranta

12:50-1:00pm Care Break 

1:00- 1:50 Lunch & Games

1:50- 2:00pm Care Break

2:00-2:50pm Walking The Body with Dame Sadie

2:50-3:00pm Care Break

3:00- 3:50pm Womb Work with Desiree Ranta 

3:50-4:00pm Care Break

4:00-5:00pm Power Photoshoots with Zaidi

5:30-6:00pm Closing 


-comfortable and relaxed

-there will be time to change for the photoshoot


Optional items we invite you to bring:

-drum or sound circle instrument

-journal and pen

-yoga mat (we will have some on site)

-an outfit that makes you feel powerful or sexy 


69 Mons Road

Observatory, Johannesburg 

Special Thank you to LANG DE MOUN MON for the sacred space and the delicious buffet lunch.

NOTE: POC (People of Colour) ONLY Event


Restore Joburg - Mind, Body & Spirit Care for Women.
Lang de Moun Mon
69 Mons Rd, Observatory, Johannesburg, 2187
Get Directions