TEDxCapeTown | Pause & Effect
Sat Nov 17, 09:00 - Sat Nov 17, 17:00
AVENUE Conference Venue | V&A Waterfront
Charles Darwin and John Dewey give us food for thought with these respective quotes - It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change; We don’t learn through experience, but rather through reflecting on experiences.
Taking this as inspiration, the theme for the 2018 TEDxCapeTown main event is...
Pause & Effect.
It’s been evident through socio-economic movements globally — Consider #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, #FeesMustFall, #DataMustFall, Occupy, The Arab Spring and The Umbrella Revolution — that every action (positive or negative, big or small) causes shifts in energy and power. And this directly impacts the rate of change in our society.
Also, in the technology sector words like Innovation and Disruption… have the power to spark both optimism and fear, but generally when used or applied, it’s to showcase the power of change.
But there’s also power in pausing and considering before taking action, and in taking time to realise we have choices regarding why and how we develop. The result of pausing is often a more mindful approach to what happens after.
In this pausing, there are many questions we can ask ourselves and reflect on. ‘What do I want to achieve and is this in line with the direction I’m heading in right now? What am I feeling? Am I prioritising my well-being through my actions and the people I’m surrounding myself with? How are my actions affecting those around me?
We invite design thinkers, artists, activists, people managers, youth development workers, techpreneurs, mompreneurs, financial planners & more —young & more experienced, from all walks of life— to join us as we PAUSE to take EFFECT!
Get your tickets now!
On sale now | R550
Tickets include:
A full day of inspiring talks.
A nutritious lunch and healthy snacks.
Make sure you do not miss a word being said by following TEDxCapeTown on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
For more information on TEDxCapeTown visit our website.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the event.
Thank You for supporting TEDxCapeTown at our 2018 Main Event!