The Keys to The Kingdom

Sat Jul 7, 09:00 - Sat Jul 7, 14:00

Harvest Family Church, Durban


The Single message that Jesus preached was the Kingdom of God. Jesus was the first ambassador from Heaven to grace the earth and He came to give us the Keys to the Kingdom.
What are the Keys to the Kingdom of God and how can you use them to unlock the Kingdom of God in your life?
As a believer, you have access to this Gospel come and discover all that's yours.


For years Mark found himself, like many believers, going from service to service and meeting to meeting with very little victory over sin and sickness in his life. Growing up, Mark had been exposed to several healing ministries. Having seen the supernatural experientially. There was always a hunger in Mark's heart to see the same in his life.  Especially, when his wife had been diagnosed with a serious spastic colon and his daughter with asthma. 

Searching for answers he was taken under the wing of John G. Lake Ministries, and Rev Curry Blake who is responsible for teaching Mark not only to read and understand the Bible in its simplest form but to put it into practice.
His early preaching days was reading Romans around the dinner table and explaining what he had read with his family and it didn't take long before he was sharing the word with whoever would hear
Mark together with a much-loved brother Kevin Peterson pioneered the work of John G Lake Ministries in South Africa for 8 years.
 He now runs Dominion Through Love Ministries in Durban.

Mark has now seen many miracles in his own family and many people who have come in contact with him.  

He will always be grateful for the training and care that he has received from JGLM and his motto in his life is "KINGDOM COMES FIRST AND EVERYTHING ELSE WILL FOLLOW" 


1. Do I need to print out my Ticket to get be let in? 

No,  it is not necessary you can either print out your ticket or if you have a smartphone and you can display the ticket QR code so that one of our staff members can scan you in that is fine.

2. What if I left my Ticket at home? 

That is fine too you can give your name to the person at the desk and she will find your name on the register to check you in. Please remember this will take longer than just having your ticket on hand. 

3. What time do the doors open? 

Doors open an hour before starting time, so that booking in and any last minute registrations can happen before starting time. We would like to start promptly at 9 am.  The earlier you arrive the better your change is to get the seat you want.

4. What is the Parking like at the venue? 

This venue has secure parking at the top and an overflow parking at the back of the church. If you require assistance parking please let us know so that we can reserve parking for you at the top.  (First come first serve!) 

5. What are the costs involved to attend this event? 

There are no costs for this event as we are wanting to make it as accessible as possible. However, there will be an offering taken up during the course of the day. So prepare in your heart how much you are wanting to give to the ministry beforehand.  We do have zapper  QR codes available at the front desk! 

6. Can I bring my Children along! 

Yes, you are most welcome to bring your children with you, there is a baby room if you need it. A small tip: bring something for your children to do, and children should not be left unattended. 

7. What time is Lunch? 

Because we are finishing up at 2 pm, there will not be lunch time. If you feel that you are unable to wait till then, by all means, bring along a snake to keep you going till then. 

8. Tea/Coffee

Tea and coffee will be served free of charge. If you would like any other beverages, feel free to bring them along. 

9. Will there be items for sale?

Yes, we will have a media table set up with items for sale. We don't, however, take cards. There is zapper available and our banking details for eft. 

I hope this answers all of your questions however if we have not answered something please email us at [email protected]


The Keys to The Kingdom
Harvest Family Church, Durban
311 Effingham Rd, Kenville, Durban North, 4051, South Africa
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