RCCP II eConversation Series 2: Joining the South African R-Community

Fri Apr 20, 11:00 - Fri Apr 20, 12:30

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During this 90 minute online RCCPII eConversation session Andrew Collier and Katrin Tirok will provide information about existing R communities in South Africa and how to get involved as a novice or more experienced R user or developer. The session will include two short presentations followed by time for discussion and questions.

Users of R are fortunate to have an extremely vibrant community. Both newcomers and established practitioners can benefit enormously from being involved in this community. There are a few approaches to getting involved. In Andrew's short talk he will chat about the three approaches which have been most useful for him: blogging, Twitter, and GitHub.

Katrin will talk about what "R community" stands for, which types of community resources exist and what this all has to do with you as an R user. She will touch on user groups and user conferences with a bit more details about South African initiatives like SatRday and will tell about her own experience in the R community.

The session forms part of the
Rural Campuses Connection Project II (RCCPII) Capacity Development Initiative. The RCCP II eConveration Series will offer monthly online sessions covering topics relevant to researchers, support staff, and students at higher education institutions in South Africa. For more information about future sessions and other events please visit the RCCPII calendar.

About the Presenters:
Andrew Collier is a Data Scientist working for Exegetic Analytics. He enjoys working at the interface between academia and industry. His principle tools are R, Python, and SQL, but he enjoys tingering with a wide range of technologies. He's an avid runner and has an interest in compiling and analysing running statistics.

Katrin Tirok is a Research Associate in the School of Engineering at University of KwaZulu-Natal working in the field of aquatic sciences and environmental engineering. She uses R for most of her data analyses and teaches R to colleagues and students.

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