DMA Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing | Johannesburg
Mon Jun 4, 09:00 - Fri Jun 8, 16:00
The Cheese Has Moved
Drink from the firehose in this digital marketing immersion course that will take you from digitally dof to digital doyenne.What we will cover:
Day 1: Digital Strategy and Email Marketing
Learn about the digital marketing landscape. Compare traditional marketing with digital marketing, and find out how to integrate them. Without a strategy, how will you know that you have succeeded? A strategy will get you out of knee-jerk marketing and into structured, planned marketing that is far more effective. Find out who your target markets are, and how to reach them.
Email marketing is also very powerful if used properly. Learn how to create campaigns and use MailChimp to design effective mailers. Learn about the power of data and data mining and how to create mailers that get opened and get results.
Day 2 & 3: Social Media Marketing
This is a biggie. Over the course of two days, we'll cover the social media landscape, each of the channels' strengths and weaknesses, plus how to put together a strategy for effective social media marketing. Content marketing is a powerful way of keeping your customers and prospects engaged. Without it you are just hard-selling your products and services, and not closing as many sales as you could and should. Practical ways to organise your life so you don't go mad or get lost in this new landscape. There is lots to do and you need to be organised and not be completely overwhelmed. Learn about creating campaigns, how to set them up and how to measure their effectiveness.
Day 4: Web Design, SEO, WordPress, Google Analytics And Usability Testing
Websites are the starting point of all digital marketing, without an effective website you really can't start marketing your business. Let us teach you about good website design, good ecommerce design, and how to appear on page one of Google (Search Engine Optimisation or SEO). We will also spend time in WordPress for a high level overview of the most important tasks. Google Analytics is a must --have for any digital marketer. Learn the basics you need for understanding key numbers and metrics, plus an overview of Usability Testing and how to run your own.
Day 5: Online Advertising, Google Adwords, Testing and Tracking, Report Reading, Briefing
Learn about creating a strategy, setting goals and which channels are effective for those goals. PPC, CPC, CPM, CPL will all be TLA's you're comfortable with after this session. We'll cover Adwords, Facebook for Business and top tools for managing your online ads. Digital Marketing is all about numbers, being able to understand numbers, and the effectiveness and results from your campaigns is critical. We'll take you through Google Analytics as it relates to paid advertising, and other analytics platforms so you can talk facts when it matters.
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DMA Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing | Johannesburg
The Cheese Has Moved
Roodepoort, South Africa
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