Common Good - FTD Ignite Workshop

Sat Aug 18, 08:30 - Sat Aug 18, 14:00

Common Ground Church - Rondebosch


Common Good - First Thousand Days (FTD) Ignite Workshop
Saturday, 18 August 2018

Common Good will be hosting a FTD Ignite workshop for local church early life task teams to attend.

What is an early life task team? Local church leadership can identify a small task team of 3 – 5 people who have attended one of “The Church & Early Life” research feedback events in May 2018.* This team can then be mobilised to assist their local church to respond to children in their FTD by attending this activation and planning workshop alongside numerous other local churches.

The FTD Ignite workshop will look at how each church can use its strengths and assets to best support FTD within its own context. It will be a time to share ideas and ignite innovation within churches. By the end of the workshop we expect that each task team will have a plan for implementation that can be presented to their church leadership and the wider church body.

Date: 18 August 2018
Venue: Small Hall, Common Ground Church, Rondebosch.
Time: 8:30 – 14:00
Cost: R60 per person for individual ticket // R50 per person for group book of 3 or more**
Booking fee includes tea, coffee, lunch & workshop materials
Bring: Small task team of 3- 5 people from your church

*Next opportunity to attend "The Church & Early Life" event is the 30 July 2018  click here  

**If cost is prohibative, contact Ruth Lundie ( for sponsored tickets.


Common Good - FTD Ignite Workshop
Common Ground Church - Rondebosch
23 Milner Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa
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