Global Work Tech Scenarios 2050 South Africa Conference
Tue Dec 4, 07:00 - Tue Dec 4, 18:00
The Innovation Hub
Johannesburg, Gauteng
The Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project ( acknowledges the many pieces of work, workshops and conferences held in South Africa and globally addressing the theme of the ‘2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios’. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven, both former trade unionists, were appointed in May 2018 to co-chair the 28-member ILO Commission to oversee the preparation of a major report on the 2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios to be published in early 2019.
During his maiden state of the nation address, President Ramaphosa stated that: “Government would soon establish a Digital Industrial Revolution Commission, which will include the private sector and civil society, to ensure that our country is in a position to seize the opportunities and manage the challenge of rapid advances in information and communication technology”.
The Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project plans to host one-day workshops and national conference on 4th December 2018, addressing the ‘2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios: 2050 Scenarios’. The workshops and conference for 200 – 250 attendees will include influential and informed members of South African society from different spheres, who will share the insights and actively input to the final outcomes, focusing on:
Education, Training, and Learning
How should education, training, and learning systems change? What strategies will make that happen?
Government and Governance
Will a guaranteed income program become necessary? What kind? When? What are the possible cash flow projections?
Society, Culture, and the Arts
What changes in culture will be needed? Can a culture of self-employment for self-respect and self-actualization be possible? If so, how to change the culture that says jobs/employment is the only source of self-respect?
Labour and Business
What should the roles of private business be, in a national long-range strategy? How do we reduce income gaps and the concentration of wealth?
Health, Wellness & Well-being
What major benefits (and risks) do new technologies hold for good health, wellness and well-being? How do we ensure optimal use of future technologies in this field?
Built Environments
Due to high population growth our continent still requires major investments in infrastructure. How do we ensure the appropriate use of new technologies and bio technologies in the construction of schools, houses and smart cities? How can urban design and planning be done to make provision for our unique circumstances?
The Millennium Project ( of which the Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project is part, is an independent non-profit global participatory futures research agency with nodes located in several countries and regions across the world. Whilst each node is largely autonomous, nodes collectively share resources and collaborate on topics of international importance, which benefit from broader global association.
For general information on the Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project’s 2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios workshops and Conference please contact;
Event Co-ordinator: Ms Jean Chawapiwa, MD & Founder, Win Win Solutions 4 Africa (Pty) Ltd on: